3 inch Downpipe for TTA!!!


New Member
May 24, 2004
Can someone please make a three inch downpipe for us TTA guys, maybe we could get a group buy or something.
I am currently in the process of building a stainless unit. Theres a local guy that was willing to lend me his DP for a Jig and so Far the whole unit is solid one piece. I am not charging him for the Downpipe because he let me borrow his but I am planning to get it sent out for a nickel dip for a goldy color to match the TA rims. If you are interested I dont mind sending pics. BTW its 3 inch Outer Diameter. I hung two 10 pound bowling balls at different spots to ensure the welds dont break but so far It has held up. The real test will be when he installs it after Christmas. If it goes further then I wont charge more than 199.00 since I am just a no-name. :)