3 bar MAP Sensor use with MAF PRO


Feb 11, 2015
I purchased a MAF Pro from a member here. TurboBOB looked over the pictures of my purchase. He mentioned that he did not see a 3-bar MAP sensor in my parts pictured. I purchased one off of Ebay but would like some more info. I am new to the Scan tools... I have had a Scanmaster for the longest time but wanted to give the pro a try.
Question are as follows, What is the purpose of a 3-bar MAP? My understanding of the sensor is just that it reads Manifold Absolute Pressure?
Did I purchase the right thing? http://www.ebay.com/itm/171124019819?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT

Anyone who has experience with the Pro please tell me some pros/cons. And any tips you may have learned by hooking it up?
that sensor looks ok, but seems really cheap..... when you get it we will proceed.

the pics looked like you got the full plug-and-play harness, so the install should go pretty well.

when you have all the stuff and want to get it installed, drop me a PM or email.
