2004r question

Brian Verson

Jun 19, 2001
My trans was rebuild and holds the gear longer than I think it should . 15 35 55 then lock up.
I have reduced TV pressure it helped a little but not enought . Should I put lighter springs on the gov.
To help with shifting sooner. I would like to raise the TV pressure to where it was .

First, find out if the builder replaced anything in the transmission related to calibration; governor, valve body, separator plate, springs, etc. If it just recieved clutches, seals and bushings then shift points shouldn't have changed.
Don't try to tune shift rpm/speed with the TV Cable adjustment. This can lead to burnt Clutches, especially when loosening the TV cable trying to shorten/lower shifts rpm/speeds.

After you check with the Builder, you may want to drop the Pan & make sure you have the correct code Vbody & Governor.