1988 Mustang with Buick Turbo V6

buick camaro, i met scott today and he showed me around his place, he has alot of neat stuff. he showed me pics of your mustang. maby ill see you around sometime and you can take me for a ride. u gona take it to OC soon...?
Nice to meet you today....

Anytime you'd like to get that Direct Scan setup and make a few runs down the road to see what your car's doing is fine... be glad to help.

I've got too much for one person to handle that's for sure. I've had the employee thing and don't care to go back to that. Nothing but headaches.
Chris is about the only employee I'd ever consider ;) AKA Buickcamaro.

Thanks for the comments on the Mustang A little more wires and it should be alive. Depending on his schedule it should drive this fall.. He's buizy with work and a newer home so time is tight right now.

Talk to you soon,

here's my e-mail if you got questions..
If you put a cam in there try out that 208/208... that's what is in my wife's T-type :)