1987 T-top GN 7000 mile car for sale all stock

Says in the ad that everything is original including the tires. Do you have the original Goodyears that came with the car? BF G's are not original to the GN.
The fender braces under the hood are not stock. The seat belt retainer on the seat (drivers side at least) is not stock. What else is not stock? It's a really nice car nonetheless. I'm located in Germantown, WI (20 minutes from you). I'd be happy to look over the car for anyone here who is interested in it.


Eric McCann
Germantown, WI
the seat belt retainer is stock. I am sorry but you are wrong on that.. the brace was added and can be taken off.. and i am sorry you will not becomming to look at my car for someone ealse. if they want to buy it they can look a it I will ot dea with a third party. the car can sit before i do that.
The Seat belt loops attached to the headrest are not original to the car. Its common to let other TB guys look at your car for other perspective buyers who are unable to travel to see it in person. Your a complete idiot and have a horrible attitude, but I would expect that from a Tony Stewart Fan.....just guessing with a screen name of "Smoke20".
the seat belt retainer is stock. I am sorry but you are wrong on that.. the brace was added and can be taken off.. and i am sorry you will not becomming to look at my car for someone ealse. if they want to buy it they can look a it I will ot dea with a third party. the car can sit before i do that.

I also agree that ERIC was merely offering to act as an intermediary during the preliminary stages of a purchase, to look at the car since his proximity to you is so close. Not all sellers are honest and up front about their cars, and it sometimes helps to have a third-party with no vested interest to provide a description as well. Especially if the buyer is planning on traveling in from a considerable distance. Not everything can be seen accurately from pictures.

ERIC thanks for offering anyway, I am sure the community appreciates it.

Smoke20, you definetly sound like you have something to hide with the way that you shut down Eric. Probably not the best way to sell your car. If you are going to make a claim like "all original" it puts the car in the most valuable class these cars can be in which is all-original untouched low mileage specimen, not mostly-original with some mods that can be reversed easily. I think that was what everyone was attempting to convey. And no, although an extremely popular upgrade, those seatbelt loops are not original.
I am a Ryan Newman Fan....so whats that tell yeah....go Stewart Haas Racing and the #39 of Ryan Newman.:biggrin:
1st Pic looks real nice! Good luck with the sale, if you have more pics please post here.

Go sell some TTA parts Dan:p