1987 grand national all original

LOL I too was thinking.... hmmm maybe I need a few beers to really understand that post! lol No apology needed Rob. We all post in threads that don't make sense half the time! :D
Quick6'n'-K.C.: I'm gettin closer! Damn the holiday rush is killin me!
LOL I too was thinking.....We all post in threads that don't make sense half the time! :D.............
Not me, I don't think that any of my posts make any sense any of the time.
Interesting that none of the previous owners, all 30 or so of them, have ever come on this thread recently to stand up for their car. Suppose that they quit reading the forum? Batter up! I don't mean pancake or waffle batter either.
this is just hilarious!!!Im sorry but what the hell is going on with this car? I think its awesome you guys keep tabs on this stuff. I dont know why somebody would spend that kind of money on a car like that to just have it sit in the garage. But I wouldnt mind having one though.
you know what. im just going to ask the seller on ebay. I think this wine im drinking is gettingto mue.
As previously mentioned, the key scrapes on the column are a major red flag that this is not a 5k mile car. I wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole either. :mad: