1980 Turbo Monte on Louisville, KY craigslist

Hey Charlie. I rebuilt a transmission for it (that's why it was parked and forgotten in the first place), but had to use it temporarily in the GN (just to drive to cruise-ins and such, no racing) until I get an upgraded build on the BRF for it. I'm gathering up stuff, but have been kinda spread thin lately. I'd love to get it back on the road, but I'm thinking seriously about putting the engine/trans in my 66 GTO clone and consolidating my projects. I'd post more on here, but I'm definitely no expert and I haven't gotten far enough to have any questions yet. How's your GN and turbo mod coming along?
Things are still on hold to some degree but parts are slowly coming in. Now I need to get time in the shop. One of these days I'm gonna kick the dirt cars out so I can get mine in.