02-03 cobra R.I.P.


New Member
Mar 1, 2003
the one day, i was on the highway cruising, (had many cars on the highway but enough to weave ) i look in my rear view and coming up REAL fast, i see is a big a$$ hood and black headlights. as it gets on my driver side i see its a 02-03 cobra, a military guy was driving. he looked at the GN, and i could tell he knew what this car was. if front of me was a big rig, i go in the left lane and gun it, he guns it as well. all i hear is flowmasters, i couldnt even hear my turbo. but we were neck and neck as we weave though traffic at, at least 90mph. as we both got blocked in by traffic, i see this guy take the right sholder lane. so i finally find an openning and get closer and let him have it. right when my hood was next to his window i let off the gas and get back on it so he can hear the wastegate blow off in his ear hole. i was moving past him like he was at a standstill and i was moving 20mph. good kill.
sounds like fun:cool:

possibly it was an older cobra---i don't beleive they made one in 02(i could be wrong)----i assure you that you would of known if it was an 03:eek: --they are pretty quick!

what kind of mods do you have done to your car?

again--sounds like a blast

The 03 's run 12.90's bone freaking stock.
They are supercharged and will get down.

I will give credit were it is do, just like the twin turbo supras and RX-7's.

If it was an 03 and u smoked him good kill.

I was trying to get a Roush Mustang to tangle but he would not.
Don't have a clue what it had done to it but if it says roush it will scream.

Had these bad side pipes that exited right behind the doors ..sweet ride even though is was a rustang.
had many cars on the highway but enough to weave

we were neck and neck as we weave though traffic at, at least 90mph

as we both got blocked in by traffic

i see this guy take the right sholder lane.

It's a sad reality that this kind of crap goes on with absolutely no regard for those that must share the road with you. Hopefully when you crack up you won't take others out at the same time.

good kill

Irony defined. You have my pity - as do those that you put at such needless and careless and unnecessary risk.
Did someone say GERITOL. Or does someone need Geritol

Or did the realization of the occurance of chaotic behavior other than that set forth by rules and regulations just set in. :confused: :confused: :confused:

LOL :D :D :D

Hell, I'm 55 and I've always said when I get like all those old farts I see down here in FL, please shoot me.

Most of us old guys are still fun.

I did see two old geezers racing their 3 wheelers around a trailer park one time.

Sorry guys - I call it like I see it. Doesn't surprise me much that few of you see nothing wrong with it....disappointing, but not surprising.

And I'm only 38...please don't use your youth and inexperience as an excuse for ignorance - it won't work.


Hell, I'm 55 and I've always said when I get like all those old farts I see down here in FL, please shoot me.

Most of us old guys are still fun.

I registered just to weigh in on this one, im 25 (not an old man by far), and i completely agree with Bob. Driving like that is not only dangerous to yourself, but to everyone else who has to share the road with you. God forbid someone was driving like that, and hit another car with an innocent mother and children. And if it were MY wife/kid, they'd be BEGGING to be put in jail.

On a different note,although I drive a "rustang", I love the turbo buicks, almost did a transplant of a 3.8t into my old 88 cutlass supreme classic. (till it caught on fire) :(

See you on the track.....

Eric Cikacz
1990 Mustang GT
9.5:1 306
AFR 185's with 9# blower

looking for 430 rwhp after the dyno chip tune
geezz, ive read the other kills on the mb and i dont recall seeing this going on. the others may have left out that there were other cars on the highway, or there was traffic, weaving in and out. i just wanted to make it sound exciting and interesting. sure i think about things like that, everytime i race on the roads, no matter what im driving. i look and the conditions, and other factors. if it looks unsafe... or rather slight possibilities that i may get into and accident, then sure ill race. but when it gets to the point where i get scared that im going too fast or there is too many cars on the road then no, ill obey all speed limits.

i thought this was a kill forum, not a place to degrade people that enjoy life driving/living fast... by the way im 19. if i die, at least imma die what i love doing. sorry for causing this mess. i mean, you sit here, and read what people wirte, hiding behind the computer. i know, cuz im doing it right now.
Dude....I don't read all the threads in here. I have no doubt there are others with similar stories. If you weren't really "weaving in and out of traffic" and only wrote that to make it sound "exciting", then good for you and accept my humble apologies.

And please don't take this wrong....but it is not really your life that I worry about in stories like these. If someone wants to go out and kill themself racing, more power to em. It's those of us that might happen to be in their way that I worry about.

Finally...I certainly don't hide behind a computer. I use my real name, and know quite a few folks - not too many here on TR.com, but a whole bunch from the Corral. :)

Be safe.

PS.....there were no 02 Cobra's. :)
Weren't there around 100 2002 right hand drive Cobras made for Australia?

I saw this on some board, while doing my 2003 research. The 2003s make we want one.