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  1. M

    Hangout in Phoenix

    A good friend of mine is moving to Phoenix and wondered if there is any place to hang on the weekends like there is here.
  2. M

    Slow Slow Slow

    Last week this was one of the fastest sites around, this week it is by far the slowest, WHAT HAPPENED? Whatever you did, change it back.
  3. M

    Those with poly motor mounts

    If you have the poly motor mounts in your car, do you notice things loosening up more frequently? I've always been surprised that bolts loosen up on my GN, but now that I have these mounts I wondering how often I have to check things. Already on the first drive the shifter cable came loose...
  4. M

    Vacuum Brake conversion

    Our brake pedals have the 1/2" dia. dowel in them for the brake rod, which doesn't fit most booster combinations. Is there any combinations that you know of that doesn't require changing the pedal?
  5. M

    OUT P/M, out I say.

    I would have kept it, I was having problems with it blowing fuses and posted on the general tech board, of course not ONE post to help me, what a nice bunch of guys. So its out of there and vacuum brakes here I come. I don't know why here has to be such a valley between "them" and "us". I...