Traffic camera


Thread killer
May 24, 2001
I was driving when I saw the flash of a traffic camera. I figured that my picture had been taken for exceeding the limit even though I knew that I was not speeding.

Just to be sure, I went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed.

Now I began to think that this was quite funny, so I drove even slower as I passed the area once more, but the traffic camera again flashed. I tried a fourth and fifth time with the same results and was now laughing as the camera flashed while I rolled past at a snail's pace.

Two weeks later, I got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt.

You can't fix stupid.


We have the red light cameras everywhere.schaumburg Il pulled them down because they made to much money to fast and then they went back up from what a friend said.Heard from a buddy that works for the state that Illinois is going to start radaring I pass users.Thats the wonderfull state of Illinois making their money first Ipass and then 50% tax
This camera **** is getting old.. talk about big brother watchin over ya :mad:
Can't you fight that in court? I don't think the camera is going to testify in from of a jury:rolleyes:, at least I hope it doesn't .
I was talking to a police officer from a west suberb of chicago and he told me they review all picture's and videos before tickets are issued.So if the reviewer is having a bad day your going to have one to.
Chicago and thier tolls suck i stopped at a toll booth once and in the booth standing behind the toll operater was a cop!!!!! I was promptly told to pull over behind six other cars and given a seatbelt ticket :mad: Bastards!!!!
Can't you fight that in court? I don't think the camera is going to testify in from of a jury:rolleyes:, at least I hope it doesn't .

I got a red light ticket from one. They send you an envolope with pics of the driver and a link to see streaming video of you running the light. I was guilty.
Chicago and thier tolls suck i stopped at a toll booth once and in the booth standing behind the toll operater was a cop!!!!! I was promptly told to pull over behind six other cars and given a seatbelt ticket :mad: Bastards!!!!

You are mad you were caught breaking the law?
No im mad that they were that sneeky about it...Im sure they can find a better use for thier law enforcement than ticketing drivers that are already paying to use the tollway theres enough other important things going on that they can worry about like ticketing all the speeders and no driving idiots that cause accidents everyday that of course would be to much like right (aka make too much sense) I cant tell you how many times im on 80 or 94 and the speed limit is 55 im going 60 and gettin flipped off by some idiot that wans to run 75 through construction zones and all..The lazy ass cops dont wanna go catch those people..
I dont think the cops can patrol toll roadways ... thats why they caught you BEFORE you got on the road ;) ---
This camera **** is getting old.. talk about big brother watchin over ya :mad:
this is what the sheep want - just look at new cars and their GPS systems sure its nice but just wait until "they" just log on to your GPS system and mail you a ticket based on your GPS's info.

Chicago and thier tolls suck i stopped at a toll booth once and in the booth standing behind the toll operater was a cop!!!!! I was promptly told to pull over behind six other cars and given a seatbelt ticket :mad: Bastards!!!!
Here in LI its the same BS Seat belt check points all over the place
The sad part about this is that the people are stupid enough to agree with the law and not try to change it.

How does me /you not wearing a seat belt in-danger any one other then me/you?
the seat belt law FOR ADULTS is just plain retarded and infringing.
and the act of giving some one a No Seatbelt ticket should be considered a civil rights violation.You want to fcking protect me go after the morons that don't at even slowdown when making a right on red.
Can't you fight that in court? I don't think the camera is going to testify in from of a jury:rolleyes:, at least I hope it doesn't .
I don't think he can win this one. As the Judge will see, he made five passes, slower each time to make sure they clearly saw him, LOL. Sorry, I had to say that.:D
I dont think the cops can patrol toll roadways ... thats why they caught you BEFORE you got on the road ;) ---

I think you are correct. Here we have a large toll road when going southbound.

People do 90 - 100 mph and ive never seen a hi-po running radar on the toll road.

Maybe its a urban legend;)

I want to know how the camera knew that you had no seatbelt on?

Something smells fishy Dan.
In IL, the State Police Patrol the tollways and all other highways. Having your seatbelt on is the law here. Don't like it, dont ride in a car in Illinois simple solution:biggrin:. Undercover cars, standing in toll booths, and cameras are all attempts to deter you from breaking the law. It has nothing to do with being sneaky, they're always floating around toll booths rest stops and weight stations. If I'm in the wrong and get busted, I man up and deal with it. I'm not going to complain about a system trying to protect me. I know a few LEO's in IL and the will all admit, if you obey the law, it easier for both of you.
LEO is protecting you from YOU what the WTF?

LEO's should also give tickets to those smoking cigarettes???
LEO's should also give tickets to those drinking alcohol????
LEO's should also give tickets to those eating high fat foods???
LEO's should also give tickets to those who don't exercise????
LEO's should also give tickets to those who eat junk food????
BTW this is not about LEOs it’s about the stupid laws we have.

Hiding behind toll booths, bushes, trucks, HWY dividers, tinted windows and unmarked cars is not about hiding? HHMM