

Supporting Member
May 26, 2001
So I got an e-mail from a guy who lives by me. Turns out this is his car:

YouTube - The N2OJOE corvette build up

He wants to run my GN at the track. I'll do it because it's good natured fun, but will it even be close? I've run 11.3 @ 117 and I think I can run at least 120 this year with proper tune.

I've seen his car around and it sounds viscous.

I think I've answered my own question. A google search shows he was booted from the local track for running 11.2 back in Nov 2007. He now has a cage in the car.

It should be fun anyway. I haven't really run against anyone I know at the track.

The more I read about his car the worse it gets. He ran a 10.7 @ 130 with a 75 shot and now has a 350 shot.

I don't expect to win, but it should at least be interesting otherwise why bother? Once the nice weather gets here I'll see how my car is doing.

its all in good fun. just hope he spins or misses a gear. smoke him once and be done with it :)
Negotiate for a few carlengths! :biggrin:

Nah, it's not like it's an episode of Pinks or anything. I really doesn't matter to me who wins or loses - it's just fun to get out there. It would be nice to win though. Anyone got a 408 CID V8 I can borrow?

That Corvette is sick- he should turbocharge that engine!! But a 350 shot of Nitrous.... Jeeez-

I saw some of his posts late last year inquiring about a turbo set up. It might be turbo'd now, I don't know.

It was the UPS guy that tipped me off. He mentioned there was a guy locally building a monstrous Vette. I've only seen the car once, and it was just a coincidence that they guy swung by my YouTube page. Otherwise we'd have driven past each other for eternity. The Internet is a magical place :p


A 350 NOS shot ????? :eek: Come on.......that's another motor ! :rolleyes: Two motors against a V6. Talk about fear !
A 350 NOS shot ????? :eek: Come on.......that's another motor ! :rolleyes: Two motors against a V6. Talk about fear !

Well Friday nights are run whatchya brung so the only fairness is in what you negotiate. Obviously I'm at a disadvantage, but I'm just out to have fun. He might miss shift, blow the launch, blow it up, or completely demolish me. I don't really care either way. There's always someone faster.

I really can't get much quicker without being tossed out anyway so it might all be moot. They didn't come after me for my sub 11.5 passes in the past (not that there were a lot of them anyway) but I hear they've cracked down. The car is running really strong now (not 850 HP strong, but decent enough for me) so I'm either going to have to put a bar in it or stop running it.

If he wants to run for money,definitely tell him no bottle. But if it's just for fun go for it. Worst you can do it is lose.
That guys Vette is pulling on them instantly so I would only run him if he guarantees no Nitrous and make sure you can 60ft.

If you have plans on adding on to your current set up ( don't know your mods ) you can get into the high 10's and make it a great match. Regardless it would still be fun to go and run him for bragging rights.

I dig that hood of his.
That guys Vette is pulling on them instantly so I would only run him if he guarantees no Nitrous and make sure you can 60ft.

If you have plans on adding on to your current set up ( don't know your mods ) you can get into the high 10's and make it a great match. Regardless it would still be fun to go and run him for bragging rights.

I dig that hood of his.

I was thinking I could get into the high-10s with what I've got - I just need to make it all work together. What else do you think I need? I'm willing to make some minor (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) modifications in order to make things a little more interesting.

It's funny about the hood on that car. The one and only time I've seen the car on the road I saw that black hood a mile away and chuckled to myself thinking it was another poser in a C5. But then that thing rattled everything inside my car when it was still 50 feet away....then I thought to myself "I hope I don't run into him at a stoplight...."

It will be a good time no matter what, racing always is.

Be kind to your neighbor.

And wash all that nasty gas out his tank with water:) You could just fill it up with 87 the night before the race:)

Have fun with the race.
Only if he'll run on the stock street radials:) Otherwise, you're gonna get annihilated. If he wants to run for $$ I have a few cars to set him up with, shoot me a PM.