Has any one done this to a Turbo buick.

those are all hybrid systems. they run on gas with a system running off the alternator or you can setup a series of peltier's running off of anything hot on the car (like a cat) to create electricity. on our test car we didnt see any increase in miles per tank. city or highway.
both methods i have given above create far more then a c battery.
These are my personal, and professional findings.
It was very fun to do though... like said above. you should test it out on your own.
dont mess with the Buick though :-P
easy way to gauge how much it makes is to fill a balloon... it dosnt take long to fill one. time it
i just found more stuff
Water Car Run on WATER+Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENERGY!
i can stay up for 3 weeks just looking up this water power stuff

do you guys now of a forum for this stuff.

hey Money guys lay out some cash and get this Hydro Turbo Buick stuff jump started.

The Water Fuel Cell :: Index

making this work on a boosted engine is going to be a task. I think starting out on naturally aspirated engines would be a little more efficient. The HHO gas produced doesnt really build up tons of pressure from what i have been reading... injecting it under boost would involve a pump of some sort, where there would be a vacuum side of the pump pulling HHO from the water tank, and then the pressure side forcing the HHO through a valve of some sort, like an injector. It wouldnt work like methanol injection because you arent injecting a liquid, its completely gas.... Ill have to read up more on the fluidity of HHO.
I think you should experiment... I dont think it takes a lot of energy to peform electrolysis. I disagree with that.

There are plenty of people who have made homemade ones with c cell batteries you buy at walgreens... and they give you a decent amount of hydrogen.. and thats how many volts?

Not much...

Hell, our alternators probably provide more than enough electical energy to do it.

And the video above proves it doesnt take alot either...

I think you are mistaken. THIS ISNT HYDROLYSIS! Its totally different. There is no electrolyte involved, and the HHO gas is rapidly formed.

And you are right. This procedure doesnt take a lot of energy. Less than 2 volts and less than 5 amps. Its great!
you shouldnt need a pump. it will create enough pressure to go into the intake on its own.

Ill have to read up on it. For now im going to work on implementing it onto my 1979 chevy 350 in my truck. Carburated engines will be the easiest to implement this.
I know :).... everything can be bought at radioshack :p

Besides stainless steel rods....lol

So the rods that are being used are Stainless Steel :confused: ...

And this reaction can produce Hydrogen gas quickly enough to feed a car :confused: ...

If these experiments and cars are real, and I have no reason to believe that they are not, then I am getting even more frustrated with big oil and the government for their lack of implementing this!!

Readily available fuel; H20..... check
Burns clean..... check
Good for our economy; not sending more dollars to the Middle East.... check

Someone has been hiding this from us and not spending the necessary funding to move toward water power..... check :mad:
well help me out.
i want / need something like this on my work truck.
$70. to fill the tank
when i could have picked up some go fast parts for the Buick instead.

do you guys have a parts list and instructions that i could use as a take of point.


With some basic electronical knowledge anyone can do this.
So the rods that are being used are Stainless Steel :confused: ...

And this reaction can produce Hydrogen gas quickly enough to feed a car :confused: ...

If these experiments and cars are real, and I have no reason to believe that they are not, then I am getting even more frustrated with big oil and the government for their lack of implementing this!!

Readily available fuel; H20..... check
Burns clean..... check
Good for our economy; not sending more dollars to the Middle East.... check

Someone has been hiding this from us and not spending the necessary funding to move toward water power..... check :mad:

I beleive what they are using is 301 stainless rods. SOme are getting much better results if they polish the rods. And yes, it produces hydrogen VERY RAPIDLY and it is enough to power an internal combustion engine.

You have every right to be frustrated with our government concerning the current oil crisis. There is NO REASON why we should still be using oil... this technology is nothing new. Infact, one man tried to present this to the US government in order to obtain a patent about 35 years ago, and the government simply rejected him and pretty much told him never to come back.

Our government makes money on oil beleive it or not. Every drop of gasoline thats pumped into your gas tank has TAX attached to it. What would happen if we stopped using gasoline? No money for our government. THATS why the government doesnt want this to happen. Thats just too damn bad. Now that this is open source and more and more people are hearing about it, the population is going to start utilizing this and the government wont be able to do anything about it. They will try, but watch and see.

So to say "good for our economy"... definetly not. Our government will not have the revenue that comes from fuels, oil companies will go bankrupt.... etc

The problem with this world is that every government is GREEDY. They all want money one way or another. Money=power. They only pretend to care about the future of this planet as a voters tool for acceptance. Humans, as a SPECIES, need to join hands and start thinking about the world here. If we continue to destroy it, theres a possibility that the extinction of all species on earth would be caused by HUMANS.... and honestly, do we really want our legacy to be that?

You guys should go on youtube and search for RAVI's stanley meyer replication. This fellow replicated stanleys contraptation by reading through the hundreds of patents.
Humans, as a SPECIES, need to join hands and start thinking about the world here. If we continue to destroy it, theres a possibility that the extinction of all species on earth would be caused by HUMANS.... and honestly, do we really want our legacy to be that?

I have the We are the World tape still in case you need it!! :D On a serious note you are absolutely correct callmeebryan. I 2nd that!!!
Ok.......Not saying that the tech isn't there. BUT..........If there really was a way to use H2O as a power supply, then ALL aircraft carriers would have been using it since its inception. They all use nuclear. For good reason. No oil revenues there. If there really was a better power supply, then the oil companies would capitalize on it right NOW!!! They are looking to make a buck. Now is the time to release the tech to make them rich. I could go on and on about the money "tree" that makes the world go round.

By all means keep trying to make water into wine........err......fuel. If you can succeed, my hats off to you. Innovation is what drives invention. (isn't that a John Madden phrase?:biggrin: ) Do keep at it. Maybe something will come of this, but............I really don't feel that there is a big oil company conspiracy here. The price of oil is set by the futures market, not "Mr. Smith" on the board of Exxon. That bears repeating.......The price of oil is set by the futures market. YOU can buy and sell commodities just like the big guys IF you want the risk involved.
I would like to see a board member succeed in making this device work. That would be cool for sure. Keep at it.
Ok.......Not saying that the tech isn't there. BUT..........If there really was a way to use H2O as a power supply, then ALL aircraft carriers would have been using it since its inception. They all use nuclear. For good reason. No oil revenues there. If there really was a better power supply, then the oil companies would capitalize on it right NOW!!! They are looking to make a buck. Now is the time to release the tech to make them rich. I could go on and on about the money "tree" that makes the world go round.

By all means keep trying to make water into wine........err......fuel. If you can succeed, my hats off to you. Innovation is what drives invention. (isn't that a John Madden phrase?:biggrin: ) Do keep at it. Maybe something will come of this, but............I really don't feel that there is a big oil company conspiracy here. The price of oil is set by the futures market, not "Mr. Smith" on the board of Exxon. That bears repeating.......The price of oil is set by the futures market. YOU can buy and sell commodities just like the big guys IF you want the risk involved.
I would like to see a board member succeed in making this device work. That would be cool for sure. Keep at it.

They use Nuclear in aircraft cariers because they are a monstrosity!
Not to mention they dont get involved in hundreds of thousands of crashes in every city across the United States everyday! LOL! MMMM platonium!

Hydrogen powered vehicles are real, GM has several of them they are testing... the military tested a hydrogen power full size GM pickup truck and it make over 260HP and 350ft lbs of torque....

Its not a fantasy, do some research.... the technology is here...
The problem is there is nobody wanting to spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to get hyrdrogen refueling station put throughout the entire US.

There isnt BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars in re-newable energy! Thats why they dont do it! THEY WANT MONEY!!!! AND TONS OF IT!

How are they going to make a killing on WATER???? LOL!

Theres money to be made, but not like oil....

Think about how technology has changed in EVERY aspect of our lives over JUST the last decade....

You mean to tell me someone hasnt come up with an alternative....


They just havent come up with one that will make them BILLIONS.

E85 now is what they are trying to push... now we will have BILLIONARE farmers instead of oil tycoons... did we fix anything? Maybe... its cleaner...

But Hydrogen IS the solution.
GM - Technology - Fuel Efficient Car - Fuel Economy Car - Fuel Cell Car

There is a direct link to GMs hydrogen stuff... this doesnt even scratch the surface... I have been following it for years... they have tested PLENTY of vehicles.

It works.

P.S. BMW has been working on it for YEARS also...

And NEITHER one of them are "hybrids" ... they use the hydrogen to power electic motors attached to each wheel....

Watch the show "future cars" on discovery channel... theres a 4 part series and one is called "the fuel" they show E85, electric, bio-diesel, hydrogen, solar, and AIR powered vehicles... all real, all moving... no gas required.

Anyway... sorry about the rant... lets get back on track..
They use Nuclear in aircraft cariers because they are a monstrosity!
Not to mention they dont get involved in hundreds of thousands of crashes in every city across the United States everyday! LOL! MMMM platonium!

Hydrogen powered vehicles are real, GM has several of them they are testing... the military tested a hydrogen power full size GM pickup truck and it make over 260HP and 350ft lbs of torque....

Its not a fantasy, do some research.... the technology is here...
The problem is there is nobody wanting to spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to get hyrdrogen refueling station put throughout the entire US.

There isnt BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars in re-newable energy! Thats why they dont do it! THEY WANT MONEY!!!! AND TONS OF IT!

How are they going to make a killing on WATER???? LOL!

Theres money to be made, but not like oil....

Think about how technology has changed in EVERY aspect of our lives over JUST the last decade....

You mean to tell me someone hasnt come up with an alternative....


They just havent come up with one that will make them BILLIONS.

E85 now is what they are trying to push... now we will have BILLIONARE farmers instead of oil tycoons... did we fix anything? Maybe... its cleaner...

But Hydrogen IS the solution.

Little off topic.... but just to let you know.... ethanol emits the same amount of green house gases as gasoline does.... it may be "cleaner" because it produces an invisible flame.... and in a sense would keep your cyl's clean.... but as for the environment, it is just as bad as gasoline.
GM - Technology - Fuel Efficient Car - Fuel Economy Car - Fuel Cell Car

There is a direct link to GMs hydrogen stuff... this doesnt even scratch the surface... I have been following it for years... they have tested PLENTY of vehicles.

It works.

P.S. BMW has been working on it for YEARS also...

And NEITHER one of them are "hybrids" ... they use the hydrogen to power electic motors attached to each wheel....

Watch the show "future cars" on discovery channel... theres a 4 part series and one is called "the fuel" they show E85, electric, bio-diesel, hydrogen, solar, and AIR powered vehicles... all real, all moving... no gas required.

Anyway... sorry about the rant... lets get back on track..

Thats using hydrogen in a different way. THey are using hydrogen to turn electric motors....

The method we are discussing in this thread involves using HHO (ortho/para hydroxygen) as a FUEL! :biggrin:

Im still in the process of figuring out the circuitry and all that, as there really isnt no definete tutorial on how to go about it... however i am getting pretty close in basic testing.
Some movie in the 90's that steven seagal made...at the end he talks about energy and that in the 50's someone made a carburetor that you can get 100mpg out of, and mentioned all these different ways big energy is screwing it to us. They are screwing it to us, but the 100mpg carb is crap BS. Theres only so much energy in a gallon of gas and theres not 100 miles of energy in a gallon of gas. Even if you have no coefficient of drag and your car weighs 300 pounds...the amount of energy simply is not there.
What this guy made, my uncle made in the 8th grade. He made a little hydrogen/water separator and used it to sort of jet power an RC car. This is 1965. He made much bigger designs in his spare time when he had the money. He was a high school dropout and schizophrenic.
If you go to wikipedia, you'll see that he was sued by his own investors for fraud. The judge in the suit called it egregious and severe fraud, because he made nothing special that hadnt been made before, but drew in investors and created massive hype over a lie. There was a 3rd party expert witness, who was a scientist, and was supposed to inspect the device and make it official. The day of the inspection, this guy refused to let the scientist check it out, because he knew he would get caught.
I have a swiss spirflame machine here at work that I used to solder large copper components. I actually just recently overhauled the whole thing. It runs on potassium hydroxide (sodium hydroxide is drain cleaner) and it pumps the potassium hydroxide through current carrying plates where it separates the hydrogen and O2. Since hydrogen burns at around 3000 degrees celcius, its too hot for the flame nozzle. Theres a "booster" tank where you pour in the petroleum distillate of your choice, like isopropyl alky or acetone or methanol. It cools the flame down and adds color so you can see the flame. Isopropyl cools the flame the most, down to around 2300 degrees Celcius. But this machine is about the same size as the thing this guy had in his dune buggy, and it makes NOWHERE NEAR enough hydrogen to run an engine. It makes a small flame, about the size of a needle.
No one in government is going to allow the mass production of non gas burning cars, until oil reserves are almost out. Even that liar piece of **** Al Gore, Mr environmentalist who lied his ass off through that entire "an inconvenient truth" movie, owns a large stake in oil companies. Like a 25% share in the largest oil producer IN THE WORLD. These people are all about money, and anyone who thinks we arent all driving eco friendly cars because technology isnt where it needs to be yet, is self diluted and naive.