What is the smallest car this engine will fit in


Cold Air 84
Apr 8, 2005
Just wondering because I have a 1980 fiat spider 2000 that I would love to stuff my hot air engine into when I do the conversion to the intercooled motor. I haven't really put much thought into to it and it isn't likely to happen for a couple of years, I would just like a broad assumption of whether it will work or not. If you don't know what a fiat spider looks like it’s about the same size as a miata. I think the engine will fit but I’m concerned about the transmission fitting. Anyways thanks for reading and have a good day.
that's the old turbo off my GN, my new one is bigger :eek:

lol, no clue man, I just ran upon this pic one day :cool: Definitely some huge industrial engine...or one of John Wilde's rides ;)