TurboLink v4.0 software upgrade available for download

Turbolink 4.0 download

When I download from the sites above, it says I'm only downloading 6.23MB of data. I thought the download was closer to 100MB? Am I getting everything? I downloaded it to my burner on my desktop, so I could install it into my laptop.

You should be fine, we compressed the download and got rid of some of the OS parts (the IE 5.5 and some of the Installer troubleshooting stuff).

Saved almost 80 MB of Microsoft bloat...;)

What is left is just the TurboLink 4.0, sample data, and support tools...
Thanks Ken
As always I think Tubo-link has the best support !
I'm sending out a test version for carb'ed cars tomorrow (Hi Dave!) ...

Depending on what the results of testing are, we could add the support (if I can debug the datastream).
Thanks lots for even trying :D There's not alot of us around and it's hard to get ECM support. Cann't even get a chip burned for our cars, but that just makes it that more fun to make it go fast.
Thanks for your support.