Solid Wastegate?


Jun 22, 2001
I am having problems with my wastegate setup on my 85 GN. At the reclocked angle of my turbo I really cant get my wastegate to hook up correctly.

Could I simply hook up a solid rod system and take the wastegate out of the system for now? I need to drive the car to get painted in a week and I would like to do it with a bit of boost. Whats my lag gonna be like with a solid adjustable rod??

The wastegate uses the diaphragm part to sense the pressure and control it. Are you talking about leaving that out? The boost would either go way too high, if you use a solid rod to hold the puck closed, or no boost at all, if your rod holds the puck open. I must not understand your problem, don't see how the solid rod will allow you to run the car. You can let the puck "flap" and drive it with no boost, but don't think you should drive it with the puck held closed.
Yes, I am talking about removing the diaphragm. It currently will not fit, and I dont have the money for an external.

My understanding of a wastegate is that when you hit max boost, the solenoid "pops" the wastegate from closed to allow best spoolup to a certain angle so that you can maintain the boost at that max level.

Could I not just make a solid rod to hold it at say a 15 psi position? I realize that my lag should be absolutely terrible if I did. I just want to know if it would work.

If I dont understand what im talking about just tell me,

Thanks guys,

If you can get to the hardware store, get a very light spring and hook it on there, like for a screen door. Then see where your boost goes. If too high, then stretch the spring a little. If too low, then cut some off and rehook it on. The puck needs to be "blown" open by the turbo to control boost.
Don't even think of keeping it shut. I drove around for a week with unlimited boost while waiting on my external gate. The boost will get away from you very quickly. At 1/4 pedal I would get a couple psi in first gear but at the shift it would hit 20psi before I could even react. That is why I have a cracked cylinder and no car.
Cool 84, yeah, I remember your problem, and I learned that if Im going to go either full open or full closed Ill definately stick to full open and 0 boost.
Why dont you weld the wastegate to the crossover????? I've seen this done on many cars.
I may be confused here, but with a stock style actuator if I welded it to the crossover wouldn't it "pop" the wrong direction??
If you have an external wastegate, you can weld it to the crossover.