Quick Reply


Senior Member
May 31, 2001
I was over at the Corral (sorry guys!) and noticed they just added a new feature to their board that is pretty cool. They added a quick reply feature that is at the bottom of each thread, and allows you to submit a response directly from there. It is very conveniant, if I didnt describe it well, just go over there and go into a post you see it at the bottom of the thread. It just takes a couple of steps out of the reply process. It may not be feasible for this site, but I thought it was really cool and wanted to throw that idea out there. Thanks!!
Yep, we know what you are talking about, but it is a board hack. We avoid using hacks because they can compromise the board. The odds are slim of anything bad happeneing as a result, but I am sure everyone would ageee that it is not a good chance to take. :)