New door lock actuator...won't lock


Jan 25, 2011
My old actuator was weak and I had to hit the button a couple times for it to lock. Went ahead and replaced the actuator now it won't lock it...if I manually lock it it will unlock. But it kinda seems like not enough travel to actually lock. Thoughts?
It's seems to work great when unlocking...just won't lock...the motor try's to lock it but it's like it doesn't have enough travel. I don't think it's too weak or a bad motor...there has got to be a way to adjust.
I have no baseline if its aftermarket. If the solenoid travel is not equal on both direction change rod length or relocate solenoid.
If not enough travel yet sufficient strength relocate rod closer to pivot point on stamped arm.
New style with 3 stamped "arms( 2 pcs)" or old style with two stamped "arms"(one pc) ?