Need Help badly/Embarassed



I do not know what is wrong with my car. IN any gear besides 1st when I mash the gas the car will take off and then as the rpms get higher it feels like a giant kicked me in the ass and the car just takes off like mad. Can anyone give me any ideas of what is wrong? Could not having a hot wire kit be the reason (thats what is going in on Saturday) Could a leaky drivers side header cause this? Bad MAF? Bad anything? Please help IM desperate!
Do you have a boost gauge?

Is your car taking a while to build boost when you get on it?
Seeing where you are from, get in touch with Jack Cotton's shop, i bet they can help.
Originally posted by Cakes
I do not know what is wrong with my car. IN any gear besides 1st when I mash the gas the car will take off and then as the rpms get higher it feels like a giant kicked me in the ass and the car just takes off like mad. Can anyone give me any ideas of what is wrong? Could not having a hot wire kit be the reason (thats what is going in on Saturday) Could a leaky drivers side header cause this? Bad MAF? Bad anything? Please help IM desperate!

I have the same problem. As the RPM's come up, so does the boost and BAM, the car takes off! :D

Maybe I don't understand the problem.:confused:
Yes, a leaky header will cause this. It is like having the wastegate slightly open. At full boost, a slightly open wastegate prevents over boost. At no boost, a slightly open wastegate makes LAGGGG.
when I mash the gas the car will take off and then as the rpms get higher it feels like a giant kicked me in the ass and the car just takes off like mad

Don't all turbos do this to an extent? How slow is this spoolup time-wise, 1 second, 3 seconds? I'm with scotty and Mark; what's the problem?
You shouldnt need to wait for a lot of rpms to build boost. I can build 17psi of boost before my scanmaster goes into record mode (3.0 volts TPS)

Remember these cars are supposed to make max torque at 2000 rpms! Thats why we all melt rubber like a smelting factory
blackbuick87, I think you missed the point. We realize it should immediately spool, and the boost should climb thus kicking it in the ass like a giant. We just couldnt figure out what the original problem was in the thread...go back and read it from the start. The only problem I could see with his story is that it "takes off like mad" in every gear but first. Other than that sounds like its doin pretty well:D For a minute it almost sounded like he was pissed cuz it was hauling ass:confused:
Well I think he has something causing a slow spool, ala cracked header or something. It probably is taking off best in first because in that gear he has the most mechanical advantage. The 231 cubic inches of fury can get the car moving by itself in first and in the other gears it has to wait for the turbo
I dunno
Thanks for the help guys! Yes my problem is it take a while to spool I guess and it take about 2-3 second before it will start moving like it should. I got my hot wire kit in and the car runs much better but I think the header leak is just killing spool up time so I think that is what I am going to fix next once I get my new tires. Thanks guys so much for the help!