My postcount has been cut in 1/2!


Retired Buick Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2001
My postcount has been cut from right at 460 down to 215.

Can anyone help me with this??

I PM'd Rollin yesterday but he may be out of town.
It's because the old posts, primarily in the Lounge, are periodically purged from the system. When threads that you participated in are deleted, your count is readjusted.

they must have purged the system. Just noticed mine has went from 705 to 556:(
Originally posted by buickman69
My postcount has been cut from right at 460 down to 215.

Can anyone help me with this??

Down right criminal, ranks right up there with the war on Iraq!:D

Give em hell!!!!

I don't have one that would be acceptable anyway...:D
Mine dropped back about 50 or so, it's just a drop in the bucket compared to what was lost in the last crash.

On this "avatar" thing - maybe the moderators could see fit to base it on a "membership time" factor. I've been here for close to 3 years, and every time I close in on 500 posts, I'm suddenly slipping back to 200 - 300. I've finally come to grips with the fact that I'll never be qualified to have an avatar. No big deal, just a different slant...
i may be going against the grain here, but why is having an avatar a big deal? its just a little "postage stamp" sized pic....if you guys didnt notice, this site recently had been having the "server is busy" page come up ALOT!.....if purging the lounge helps keep that from happening...GREAT...if you want to really get your post count some "helpful" info in the other forums. Also, keep in mind this site is 100% free at the moment....JD and Dave pay for our ability to share info and trade stories...

until that changes....the reserve the right to do any darn thing they want on this site.....

sorry if this upsets someone....but its just the internet....

I did not say it upset me...I could care less about my post count. Just very greatful to have a site like this to learn from and share with;)

Originally posted by Two Lane
You are also eligible for an Avatar after 2 referrals. :)

Yeah, funny.... I gave 2 referrals and NEVER got my credit/avatar.
I emailed a few people but nothing was ever done.

Oh well.....