Indiana liscense plates question


Active Member
Oct 5, 2001
We're building a house in Indiana and will be moving there this fall. In Illinois, I have great vanity plates C YA LATR or my T-Type and 455 GSX antique plates on my GSX.

No offense, but Indiana plates are the all-time ugliest plates ever...they look like they are pronted cardboard. I know there are those "kids" plates with the handprints but are there any other type of plates in Indiana that could be vanity plates for our Buicks? Can you get a vanity plate when you apply for plates the fiorst time or do you have to get the regular plates first and then try for vanity plates. Just wondering. Paul
To get a vanity plate, you need to apply for it before the end of the year and the plate is issued sometime in early spring.

Last time I did one it was $45 extra.