Holy Cow, What a day!?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Ok guys, I assure to you that thisisnt another jdpolzin's drunk thread. I have had one hell of a freakin day. I wake up this morning at 5am to wish Ashley and Noah a good trip down to Alabama then I go back to sleep. Low and behold, my phone rings at 9:30am and it's AustinIBEW145 calling to see if we are going to do a little wrenching. I say, yep Im rolling out of bed right now. So I get up, eat bowl of cereal and Austin shows up. Then, my painter calls to see if he can come over to do a little finishing work on the Limited. I say, Hell Ya! He comes over and we crack open a beer. It's now like 10:30am and I just finished my cereal and am drinking beer already! I got a bottle of Jager and Crown Royal for Christmas alonmg with a6 pack of Red Bull and Austin bought a 2 liter of 7 up. We work all day, ended up haveing another buddy come over and we have about 4 Jager bombs and a few Crown and 7's along with many beers. It's been a long day and I'm not drunk this whole time. I drop off Sean and Austin and Andy leave so I'm ready for bed. Well. before I can even get into my house, my buddy Chuck calls and wants to go out for the night. I didnt really feel like it but what the heck, why not? So I jump in the shower and Chuck shows up and wants to meet up with a buddy of mine that just moved to AZ and also meet up with a couple girls him and Mitch are trying to hit on. These girls are prissy little brats and annoy the crap out of me the whole time. What do I care, I have a girl and my little boy, so I just make an a$$ out of them the whole night. They are really just annoying little girls way to young and immature to even sociallize with so I had to have a little fun with it! Well Chuck drove me and the girls followed me Chuck and Mitch to my house. These girls really thought they were cool. Needless to say, I just finally got them out the door after they spent the past 2 hours ralfing in my damn toilet. So now, I'm not tired at all. I cant sleep, I miss my boy and Ashley. I heated up a couple Chicken Cordon Blue's and sitting on the computer! Man, I must be getting old! I'm glad I dont have to chase the poon around anymore! My buddy's looked so pathetic!!!!! I guess I better get some rest so I can get up and staralize my toilet! YUCK!!!! But, it's all in fun! -------Jeremy

P.S. I should start my own TV series. Maybe Hollywood would like this???? The Lovley Life Of Jdpolzin!!!!!
Damn Dude! Your stories reassure me that I AM OLD!! That kinda S#!T hasen't happened to me for 10+ years!! Glad to hear you and Ashley are going well. Hope your buddies find some poon soon...can your liver take it anymore??!!:eek: OK, OK, maybe I'm just jealous...I just get to hang out with my inlaws all f@#king weekend! :mad: Oh well---I can always go out and stare at the GN in the garage. --That will make me happy for a while...until I start to get cold :mad: DAMN I HATE WINTER!!!:mad:
I Guss thats what I get for leaving early, I took the boy and Jill to see a movie. Its was hard to sit and watch bed time stories, when your half drunk. maby next time!
HAHA!!!! NO I shouldve been drunk but I was dead sober. I havent drank like that snce college though! It was an awesome day, I had a lot of help in the garage and there is nothing like wrenching on cars and drinking beer!!! But, it was fun going out afterwards, it was challenging to stay awake, I will admit! Seems like i have been building my tolerance up lately but I just cant do anything the next day!!!! I tried that last time, Austin said I b*tched and moaned all day up in Chicago!!!!