Helpful Hint


New Member
May 28, 2001
I installed a new rear seal today. Getting the oil pan back on with the gasket was a pain. The gasket kept falling off into the pan. so after about an hour of this it hit me to zip tie (wire strap) the gasket onto the pan. I did the 4 corners and 2 about half way up and the front one. The gasket stayed on perfectly while i installed the remaining bolts. I then used needle nose pliers to break the wire ties and installed the 7 remaining bolts. This made it a snap. Just thought I'd pass this on to help make someone else's day go a little smoother. All in all it wasn't too bad to do. Just glad to be done with it.:D
I use the Duttweiller cork gasket and RTV it to the pan first. Let it set up a bit then flip the pan over, lay it on a flat surface and put some weight on it and let it sit overnight. Works great if you aren't in a hurry.