Colored Silicone Vacuum Hoses


New Member
Sep 8, 2001
Has anyone used the colored silicone vacuum hoses on their turbo buick?

I'm thinking of adding some color to the engine.

If so, what sizes are the best to buy? Everything I have seen are in metric.

THANKS! :cool:
Yes, It may sound ricey........
But they are trying to do the same thing.
Go fast!
But we have the edge.
We are already fast and getting faster.
vac lines

I think summit sells an assortment pack , good way to add some color not everyone can afford crome.
Stop that original thinking at once.


Now go eat your meat, you can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!


It can look cool if done right. I like to add a little color to break things up a little. Some more braided lines and a little more chrome ought to be just right.
If you have a cooperative guy at the parts counter in the Caterpillar dealership near you, you can get orange silicon hoses. Dunno if you want orange or not but it might go good w/ the Power 6 logo. -Chuck
I agree with spinning 6. I think the blue vacuum hose with the chrome will look impressive.