any way to unstick a sticky tcc?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2004
finally got to drive my T Type today, and the tcc seems to be sticking on. i've had this trans in the car for a few years, but never had the tcc hooked up until now, since it is a trans out of a 307 powered Oldsmobile and has a different plug. i got the 4th gear pressure switch wired up, and it worked perfect until i got about 40 miles on it. now, when coming to a stop after getting up to highway speeds, the motor kind of chugs until it unlocks.
is there any way to unstick a sticky tcc without draining the pan? is it something that might just kind of go away with some use?
i put some miles on the car today- about 100 miles, actually..
if i get up to highway speeds for more than a few miles, then it likes to stay locked until the trans downshifts. but for the first few miles, it will unlock when i tap the brake pedal. if i come to a stop and then go again, it unlocks with a tap of the pedal for the first few miles, then stays locked up until i come to a stop or if the trans downshift. it seemed to be getting better the more i drove it.
i'd think a sticky solenoid would want to act up all the time, and not after a few miles of driving after slowing down from a few miles of driving- know what i'm saying? at least that's been my experience in the past with other cars.
i'll see what it does tomorrow- i'm gonna put about that many more miles on it tomorrow, too.
Being a electronic item that uses magnetism to move the solenoid to open and close, I doubt that it being driven more, will completely solve the problem, it will need to be replaced.

They are not that expensive, but yes, a messy job, but if left that way, it's got to be hard on the trans, engine and driveline comonents.
if you got it from an olds id guess its not the solenoid sticking.. its wired diferently than turbo cars since the ecm doesnt control the solenoid on those cars
unless you transfered over the wiring and switches in the trans from a turbo trans which it sounds like you didnt due to the diferent plug you cant expect it to work as it should and from your post it sounds like you just connected wires to the trans plug causing your issues

since you say can step on the brake and disengage it it sounds like you have the supply for the solenoid , because the brake is the switch between the fuse and the trans supplying 12v to the solenoid ,
sounds like you have the ground from the solenoid connected inside the pan and not to the plug and as long as there is a supply it will engage and lockup
on turbo cars the ecm toggles the ground side for lockup and uses the supply as a failsafe disconnect for when you brake to slow down ensuring it disengages , on turbo cars you can also manually engage the tcc by grounding pin F on the ALDL plug, when you drop the pan and rewire the tcc to match the turbo trans it should work as it's supposed to