A fun night out on the town, and a carrera turbo


New Member
Oct 1, 2002
Went out driving in the Buick for the first time in months today. I was heading to get a movie and an oil filter, but just wanted to enjoy myself on the way down. I did about 80mph past the police station (40 zone). I didn't really mean to, the car accelerates pretty fast. Then, I got the strange notion that I should slow down. Not 10 seconds later (while still doing 55+) I see a police car going the other direction. He immediately hangs a U turn and gets about 5 feet off my bumper. I had immediately started slowing and was expecting lights and siren any time. I just pegged it at 40 until the next light, then got in the left turn lane. He followed. He followed me for the next 5 miles, around 20 feet behind me, then backed off. The car has never been pulled over and I have a spotless driving record, which is probably why I wasn't pulled over; that and the fact that he only *saw* me going fast. Anyway, he followed me all the way to the Blockbuster, then drove away.

So I got the movie (snatch) and drove to checker...lo and behold, the same cop is there with another car. I drive by and wave. On my way out of the store I walk up and ask of anything on my t-shirt would help me out of a ticket (I was wearing a "how to avoid a ticket" t-shirt. The cop didn't smile and said "no."

So I eased out of the parking lot, but the damn car chirped going into second. Seriously, I was not trying to. LOL.

I finally got home after racing (and beating) a new Carrera from a roll. Either the girl in the front seat had fake boobs made of lead (they definitely were fake) or he couldn't drive, because it was a Turbo. I pulled up next to him at a light, not expecting anything. I just revved, and when the light turned green he nailed it, so I did too. It was sad, he was two carlengths back by the time I pegged the speedo (85). He lost a lot every time he shifted.

Edit: I should add that after I shut down, he discreetly turned off the road... :rolleyes:
why do i get the feeling you wanted to tell us about the cop thing more than the porsche??? good job, i don't have the guts to taunt a cop like that.