109 crankshaft questions


May 26, 2001
1. What, if any, is the difference between an 86-87 turbo crankshaft and a 4.1 carb crank?

2. What is the maximum amount that can be ground off the mains or rod journals and still have a warm, fuzzy feeling?

3. Has anyone run different size bearings on the rod journals - example = #1 @ 10, #2 @ 20, etc.
#1 no difference.

#2 .020/.020 probably should be max,I have seen .030/.030 cranks take some abuse pretty good.

#3 don't know about that one.
#1 I think some of the 4.1's had a smaller balancer bolt size but the important thing is that they got the rolled fillets on mains and rods.

#2 Call Billy Anderson - he seems to be the most willing to push the envelope here with good results. From his old postings 20/20 is fine.
1. What, if any, is the difference between an 86-87 turbo crankshaft and a 4.1 carb crank?

2. What is the maximum amount that can be ground off the mains or rod journals and still have a warm, fuzzy feeling?

3. Has anyone run different size bearings on the rod journals - example = #1 @ 10, #2 @ 20, etc.

Yes, On my car #5 is .010 under and the rest are normal.


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