Search results

  1. K

    GNX Shared Ownership

    This has to be one of the most moronic ideas I have ever read on this site. Why would someone want to share ownership of a car. It certainly can't be for investment purposes because your share of the money used to buy a car could be invested more wisely. You can't drive it because if you...
  2. K

    89 Turbo Trans Am 20th Anniversary For Sale

    Pull the money out of your 401K and buy my car? :eek: :eek: :eek: That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have every heard on this site. If you call that good investment advice then maybe I should do a cash out refinance on my house, borrow as much as possible and get an interest only...
  3. K

    86 GN for sale in MA $3000

    I have never heard of a very nice 87 IROC. Who made those?
  4. K

    WTT...1988 Firebird Formula 350 w/20k original miles for T/GN/TTA

    You should be thanking God for him helping you sell that piece of crap.
  5. K

    86 GN mint show room condition 16k mi

    Can you ask your friend if the car will have $10K worth of gold in the trunk?
  6. K

    WTB 87 G/N Low Milage

    Do they teach you about run on sentences in West Virginia? Now you don't want a show queen? That is all you were looking for before. This is exactly what I mean. You are a joker. You have no more than $.02 to put toward a TB. You just want people to think you are a real player. Go to...
  7. K

    WTB 87 G/N Low Milage

    This has to be some kind of joke right? For at least the last 18 months you have been "looking" to buy a car. Your interest has gone from LOW, LOW miles and not willing to travel more than 15 miles from you home. You wanted GN's, then Turbo T's, now you want anywhere up to 50K miles. Do...
  8. K

    Just bought my first GN

    Mark, you drive an 02 Sentra and you think cars aren't built now like they were in the 80's????? What do you find so impressive about 80's vehicles as far as their quality?
  9. K

    Just bought my first GN

    Congratulations on your purchase. They are impressive cars to say the least. I have a couple questions for you though. Where do you live that you are seeing Ferrari's and Porsches in your neighborhood? Did you get an economy size jar of Vaseline with your GN purchase?
  10. K

    A 15 mile TTA on ebay for $30k

    This has to be one of the stupidest posts I have seen on this site since I have been a member. Rather than parting out a collector car with 27K miles why not just lower your price to make it more attractive to the current market or just keep it til the market goes back up on them. The amount...
  11. K

    A truely honest E-bay auction

    I agree, much better than the guy in the wedding dress. Only because I can totally see myself doing the same thing. Although I probably would take it to Home Depot and throw it thru a window.
  12. K

    car transporting

    If you don't have 2 hours to pick the car up, when do you plan to drive it? Seems like a waste of money to me.
  13. K

    Rebuttal to TTa Values

    Tracy, You are asking $19K for a 34K mile TTA with a downpipe issue and a ticking motor? I have a 70K mile limited edition Chevy Chevette with rotted doors, quarter panels, no tick in the motor though as it is not running. This must be worth almost $30K then right?
  14. K

    Kobe (Guilty or Not)

    He is guilty but won't do a second of jail time, other than what he has already done that is.
  15. K

    Quit Whining!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is SO funny. You start a thread about whining and all you did the whole time is whine. Maybe people aren't really whining. Maybe that is just your perception of things. Maybe when you respond to a thread people think you are whining when you think you aren't. When you see someone you...
  16. K

    Bankruptcy (Good or Bad)

    Note to self: Don't ever sell anything to blackshoebox unless you get cash first. I don't know toddmingnworld but my guess is he was thinking of himself when he got into this debt. Maybe you should encourage him to be responsible for his debt rather than hurting his credit. And besides...
  17. K

    Hi ALL. I'm goin back to college

    Gender means nothing. Go for it. I work around a bunch of guys that can't even change there own oil. Don't even know the first step in the process. If you want it bad enough, and it sounds like you do, I am sure you will succeed. Good luck.
  18. K

    Hurst Quarter Stick (console)

    Who drives the Suzuki when it does 9.50 in the 1/4 mile, your Suzuki mechanic? I wasn't bragging about having a masters degree. I was just using to show I am not illiterate as suggested by BrooklynGN.
  19. K

    Hurst Quarter Stick (console)

    Brooklyn, I am sorry if I offended you. I wasn't trying to. I didn't realize how sensitive you were. I guess I hit the nail on the head though. You may think I am illiterate but I guess my Master's degree in Psychology would prove you wrong there. Because you are so defensive about...
  20. K

    Hurst Quarter Stick (console)

    Brooklyn, It is obvious you are new to this site. I am not telling you what to do with your car. I am just voicing my opinion on people who hack their low mile cars just to look cool driving a GN. I just feel you fit a certain kind of GN buyer. You know, the kind of guy who buys a low...