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  1. S

    This is awesome!!!! All should read!!

    Proud to be from ALABAMA bring on the anti-war a@$holes
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Lets see,if I bump into him I guess I would tell him, Hi I'm Slotype on Turbo then BAMMMM!!!!!!!!!! I'll just hit him one time I promise.;)
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Don't give up BIG DAVE harass the hell out of him!:)
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Need an update Big Dave.:)
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    TTA tranny problem

    come on guys help us out:confused:
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Car of the month"REVOKED" King Joe 1320 if you ever get them dollars can I have a couple of them, I think I deserve it for help getting POS lil joey's car "REVOKED":D I'm sorry POS lil joey I didn't mean to start BULL$HIT ha ha but hey I bet you didn't think King Joe would start a thread like...
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    TTA tranny problem

    Hey cosmo if you figure out anything let me know .I will do the same here.What kind of car do you have?
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    TTA tranny problem

    I believe its in the rev limiter cause it will as I say bounce off the limiter. Then you can let off then it will shift .
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    TTA tranny problem

    It has 50,000 miles & don,t know about valve springs.
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    TTA tranny problem

    When I take off normal it seems to shift fine but if I get on it hard it will stay in first till it hits the rev. limiter. If I get on it hard and let it get to 5000 rpm and let off it will shift to second then I can floor it again.It shifts fine after that ,at the right shift points too. A...
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Ken you the MAN Way to go Ken mosher thats what I was talking about:D How you like that POS lil joey!!!!lots&lots&lots of LOL:D
  12. S

    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    I probably speak for everybody thats visited this thread except for POS lil joey you deserve every $1:cool:
  13. S

    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Pull it!! His car might deserve it,BUT HE DON'T,PERIOD!!!!! You know about the thread now.What do you guys think? I say pull it!!!!:mad:
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Car of the Month "BULL$HIT" How in the hell can they give him "Car of the Month"hell its probably not even his car.If it is his car he dam sure don't deserve it.Strip his a$$ of it & give him "TROLL OF THE MONTH", TURD OF THE MONTH",then give him "CON OF THE YEAR ".I used to think POS lil joey...
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Dave I've got plenty of woods if you need any more logs.Givem Hell on Earth!!!!;)
  16. S

    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    Yes, Dave you are "Kick his A$$"!!!!!!!!!;)
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    This is my two cents worth: If it counts, it counts- If it don't, it don't! But I am still going to shoot straight! I think we need to leave it posted, so if another person like P.O.S. little Joe can read it and think twice about doing it to someone else on this sight. Come on guys let's be...
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    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    I'll tell you what I'll do Dave,I will send you the money to fly up there and beat the $hit out of him if you will punch him one time for me & send some pics after ass kicking and i'm proud to say JOHN I don't have nothing to do with it!!!!!Thats what wrong with kids like him they think they can...
  19. S

    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    I think lil joe is still a piece of $hit so keep it going Big Dave :mad: ;)
  20. S

    Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

    May the force be with you always MIGHTY JOE!!!!!!! By the way are you a Private Ivest.?:cool: