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  1. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I think both sides tried to keep on topic but if the source of the movie is in question then yes 2004 years of disagreements. I don't think there is any argument that the movie is the work of a master director. If we can all stop at "the movie was great" Then this thread is finished. But both...
  2. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I agree his quotes found in a that magazine may be questionable. I guess I fell the same way about Mels source. But his actual unedited quotes are in books, magazines, newspapers and websites. They are even found in college textbooks. Here are a few others and not from a skeptic magazine...
  3. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I think you misunderstood his quote. He wasn't referring that God had something to do with it. Also Einstein was an Atheist. Here is a little proof. I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies...
  4. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    Well if you put it that way I have to admit both views of God and the big bang both sound kind of far fetched. We call each others views fantasy. This is whats great about this country and freedom. I don't feel attacked and I hope you guys don't either.
  5. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    We are getting off subject again. But as I turn on the news daily I don't here with burning anymore. But Men in the name of Karan or Bible still have Jihad's, Kill and rape children, Priest under the protection of there Pope still molest.Skinheads use Hitlers twisted view of the Bible. This is...
  6. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    Where did you get that.?? As Muslims warped the view of the Koran Christians warped the views of the bible. What's the difference between witch burning and the inquisition and Jihad.?
  7. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I agree Nick.. I thought this was a fair review and account of the movie in there eyes. For two long hours, the rabbi, the priest and the preacher sat in a half-empty theater Wednesday afternoon and watched Jesus get arrested, chained, tossed off a bridge, beaten to a bloody pulp and...
  8. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    Even if was true does it make Hitler less of a criminal. Days after WTC crash estimates went from 50,000 dead to 9000 dead and recently It think the final was 2900 dead Does this make Osama less of a criminal? What is your point??
  9. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I agree totally. Since you brought up the Pearl Harbor movie. My father was stationed there during the attack. He still has 3 friend alive that was there with him. All 4 of them have different accounts of what happened and still being on the same ship in the harbor. They all do agree it was a...
  10. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    AltaGN beat me to it but I feel the same and thank you for the kind words. My wife and I will be seeing it soon also. I guess between this topic and gay marriages being so close it stirred up deep emotions for all.
  11. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    So grown up is not to post about a movie. Take a scroll of a few pages here in the lounge and see some of the topics.90% of the questions here can be answered from a book or newspaper. But people like to converse with others here. What's the point of the lounge if not to share thoughts. I also...
  12. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I called the movie a fairytale not religion. This was only a thread for the movie review. It's strange how If I don't believe in your christian religion I need to get a life. I have one But I do agree with some that it doesn't belong here. So lets keep ALL religion and ALL non- believers views...
  13. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I thought Christians are taught to love everyone. Seems like you have some issues or insecurities with your beliefs. I only started this post to continue the movie review and what some thought about it. The other thread was deleted by the starter and reopened for Christian views only. I...
  14. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    It may be old if you don't want to here it. But many here will still post. It will fall back in a few days and I agree the topic will get played out. How many times have we seen " What is the TPS setting" Do we tell him to get lost!!!
  15. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I bought my Turbo Buick new and I'm on a turbo Buick board. 1 post or 1000 I'm still not a troll here. Strange comment from a non-Buick owner:rolleyes: Guess what I was raised christian.
  16. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I think you took my post out of context. I have read the bible and I was raised christian. I'm just not an expert on the bible to match it to the movie script. I will find what you mentioned and let you know what I think.
  17. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I changed the title from "Atheist" to "Open Mind" View. I thought maybe it was insulting to some. Nobody asked me to to this.
  18. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I don't believe in a supreme being. I'm more aligned with natural science and scientific theories. Also Darwin views are starting to get challenged by new DNA studies. So I'm still open for a final answer. I also don't agree with any religion that claims they have an exclusive to God. I believe...
  19. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    Jesse I agree with you 100%. I will try my best to keep it civil. I hope you feel the sameway when they come in here and attact my civil views. I hope you warned Cool84 and NJTurbo That I have a right not to be christian. I hope they can follow Raven's and a few others as an example how to...
  20. G

    "The Passion" Open Mind View

    I agree to a point. If they are christian views is Ok but other views should be kept quiet. This would be true at a church gathering but on a bulletin board there are many beliefs here. So how can you accept one and exclude the rest. "The Passion" will stir emotions like abortion rights...