Recent content by metal-box

  1. M

    New Toy In My Garage

    Gratz! Let's see some pics! :)
  2. M

    Los Angeles Street beggers.

    If you have time to beg, you have time to work.
  3. M

    haha OMG this lady is a total idiot!!

    Against the law or not, it's still pretty dumb to do that.
  4. M

    Senator endorses destroying computers of illegal downloaders

    I still love my 33s and 45s! Old school. LOL
  5. M

    Illegal Street Racing

    Yeah, but if something does go awry, spectators probably won't be hurt, there is medical assistance and fire control available immediately, and the soccer mom driving her kids home from practice is not going to get wiped out in the process. To be honest, I don't know what to think of the...
  6. M

    Illegal Street Racing

    But when you drive like an ass and endanger other people's well-being then, no, you don't have the "right" to be out there. The government isn't going to deny anyone a license just for the hell of it.
  7. M

    Illegal Street Racing

    Sorry, went off on a tangent. I forgot that never happens in a thread on here.
  8. M

    If you like Star Wars you have to check this guy out!!!

    He gets my nomination for "Tool of the Year" award... :)
  9. M

    I feel really sorry for the guy that got ripped off buying this M3

    That story is horrible. I hope everything works out for him...
  10. M

    What % does paypal get? I cant remember

    I think it is 30 cents plus 2.9%...
  11. M

    Illegal Street Racing

    Tires blow, throttles stick; anything can happen out there no matter how careful you are...
  12. M

    Illegal Street Racing

    Most people that think street racing is OK probably have never had a loved one hurt or killed. I think most people that feel that street racing is OK would feel a little different if they got a call from the police telling them that paramedics had to remove their mom, dad, brother or sister's...
  13. M

    Now these guys are smart ....................... Video

    What happened to the video? It's gone. Anybody have a working link to it? TIA
  14. M

    Crazy Picture-Video Friday ...............................

    That dude at the computer didn't even flinch when the NSX motor popped! :)