Recent content by lager68

  1. L

    Top 100 Guitarists according to Rolling Stone

    Top 100 Anybody remember Larry Carlton? If for nothing else but his solo on Steely Dan's "Kid Charlemange"
  2. L

    Front Clip?

    My 86 Regal had a slight fender bender last Sunday. Pushed in the driver side bumper and cracked the front fascia on same side, right where the bumper ends, directly under the driver side turn signal and thereabouts! Anyway, was wondering exactly which year Regal g-body front clips...
  3. L

    Top 100 Guitarists according to Rolling Stone

    Top 100 Hey Evans, good pick on Terry Kath, just heard 25 or 6 to 4 the other day on the radio. Great solo, Kath's lines were pretty harmonically advanced for the time. On the forefront of bringing jazzy lines into, and from a rock persective...very hip stuff!
  4. L

    Top 100 Guitarists according to Rolling Stone

    Top 100 Two words.....Allan Holdsworth! Two more words.....Albert King!
  5. L

    Whats the best quote?

    What's the best quote? "You talkin' to me" (DiNiro/Taxi Driver) "Win today and walk together forever" (Philadelphia Flyers head coach Fred Shero, wriiten on a chalkboard in the locker room before final game of Flyers first Stanley Cup victory, circa 1975) "I came into this world with...
  6. L

    Greatest song ever?

    The Beatles, just about anything from their catalog! Black Sabbath, War pigs (especially relevant now) Mountain, Missisippi queen! Bach, Jesu, joy of mans desire (absolutely the most beautiful melody ever written)
  7. L

    ATTN: eastern PA football fans

    Anyone have a list of hall of fame QB's from Western Pa. Unitas, Montana, Namath! Thats just a partial list. Don't know what they feed thier boy's out there, but they sure as hell can throw a damn football!!!
  8. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    Yeah RED REGAL, remember all those union fire fighters at the wtc on 9/11? Not to mention all those union custodians and concierge's who lost their lives on 9/11! And dont forget about all those union laborers and construction people who cleaned up that whole tragedy, then there is the union...
  9. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    "This is about the survival of OUR culture." I'm sorry, I thought it was about finding out why exactly we invaded Iraq? "Those who are willing to pretend the problem will just go away are unworthy of the protection they receive from the men willing to step forward in their place. Yes...
  10. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    Oh, we defeated communism did we, well maybe you're right or maybe the soviet system just collapsed under its own weight, thats not been decided yet conclusivley. However the final days in Vietnam did'nt look much like a victory to me! Nearly 60,000 casualties, and for what? Last I checked...
  11. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    "We went into Iraq not because of WMD's but to send a message in the only language the muslim world understands: crushing, overwelming force". Sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? Here's a hint, in the above statement, replace the word "muslim" with the word "communist" !!! Those...
  12. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    Umm, Stone, just my opinion, but you may be just a tad to trusting of ol' George Dubya and crew!!! You trying to say the Monica Lewinsky thing was'nt good for the country? Have you forgotten about the cigar retailers in the U.S. they had a nice little spike in sales! ;) Maybe George...
  13. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    I would like to see Al Franken, seem's like there's plenty of precedent for putting a comedian in the white house. Or maybe Woody Allen, that way we can keep the womanizing motif going. Of course the first lady would be about sixteen years old, but I'm sure she'll grow into the role! :D
  14. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    Our reason for being there??? Somebody show me proof that Iraq and Saddam had anything to do with 9/11? Just like all those weapons of mass destruction and biological weapons that Saddam had pointed right at us, there is'nt any connection! Oops, did you forget already? Bin Laden and his minions...
  15. L

    President Bush in Iraq today

    President in Iraq Wonder if our president came upon any weapons of mass destruction or biological weapons that were supposedly our reason for being there in the first place? Its nice that he flew into a war zone to visit the troops, to bad he did'nt have the huevos to fly into a war zone in...