Recent content by bossman

  1. B

    Charcoal cannister

    OK. What is it, what does it do and do we need it if emissions are not an issue?
  2. B

    TPS I think.

    Thanx. Well, it's not related to the air 'cause I don't have any. I will check out the other possibilities.
  3. B

    TPS I think.

    Had a real nice day here yesterday so I opened the hood of the Beast. There's a "thingy" at the front, drivers side of the carb that is silver and has a single wire coming out of it. Two things, what is it and where the heck does the wire go since I can't find anywhere it might plug in? Could...
  4. B


    How many electronic components do our cars have (like the ECM) and are there replacements available if they go on the fritz?
  5. B

    Lauren engineering

    Just found this website and they have some interesting stuff. Anyone dealt with them or know anything about them?
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    Got talking to a friend the other day about our cars and he told me that the rear subframe area on the Regals is notorious for rotting out. Is there a way to get at this area way up inside other than pulling the whole thing out to check?
  7. B

    "A" Pillar and headlights

    First, a Happy New Year to everyone. Can anyone tell me where to get a guage pod for the "A" pillar and any upgrades for our headlights. I've heard of an H-4 conversion. Thanx.
  8. B

    Am I the only one??

    Actually, you guys can be a pain in the neck. Each time I consider getting rid of the TR because of this quirk of the car, or that odd part or how am I gonna figure out a carbed turbo I think of the great support group on this site and how I can probably get the answer I need. I was a member of...
  9. B

    Tuning with O2 sensor

    I have to ask this guys. Why buy an MSD with the retard when there is already a retard system in our cars?
  10. B


    Sorry guys but I gotta bug you one more time this weekend. Are the Haynes books on these cars any good or do you have a better recommendation for a repair manual?
  11. B


    Well then, staying with theory. Wouldn';t the nitrous provide a cooler charge and reduce the chance of detonation.
  12. B

    My wife says you guys are a bad influence!!

    Thanx. Definately not from the engine. Maybe some oil or other on the road and it was at night.(or my eyesight).
  13. B

    My wife says you guys are a bad influence!!

    Well, I read about the brake torque thing to help elliminate turbo lag and went out to a local backroad to give it a try. So I'm sat there with both feet to the floor and it feels like nothing is any different. Then I let it lurch forward a foot to see if the engine's RPM will climb. Still...
  14. B


    Read the postings from a search on nitrous and a few were considering but hadn't tried yet. Anyone follow thru on this? I would think a small shot would not do a lot of harm and would help the lag problem.
  15. B


    I did a search on heads but really couldn't find anything that answers my question. Being a previous Chevy person, I could name a half dozen sets of heads, how good they are and their flow rates. but draw a complete blank on the Buicks. Are the stock heads on my 83 a sore point or are they...