Recent content by Bonzai

  1. B

    Are you one of them

    It's called "Call Screening". They see it's you calling and dont answer. It's tough to accept, better get help.
  2. B

    Buicks and Dear Abby......

    Maybe the mechanic that your wife is seeing on the side can take a look at it?
  3. B

    jay leno's buick.

    JayC drew first blood ... I was waiting for TurboElky to reply ... "Excuuuuuuuuuse Me !" as the skit goes.
  4. B


    How did that 'ol saying go ... "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will ..." ... get you banned it seems. Was that a permanent banning?
  5. B

    Local Cruise Nights (south bay)

    Uh, whats with your sig dude? It feak'n huge, or is it just me?
  6. B

    wanna jacket??

    One more thing I'd like to point out since you can't do math ... Since your initial post on April 21st, there have been 8 new users who have signed up. Total member list is 40 now. Check the memberlist out yourself, it counts the members for you ... Are you sure your post wasn't a...
  7. B

    wanna jacket??

    Strike #1 ... This is a message board, where people go to engage in open dialogue. For you to post what you did and NOT expect anyone to reply is just being retarted. Strike #2 ... I'm not a heavy <no pun intended> poster here, in fact I consider myself a lurker. I was enjoying the...
  8. B

    wanna jacket??

    You sir have absolutely no idea which way the parade is going. Your post was made out of pure jealousy sprinkled with 4th grade antics. There are 'childish actions' going on in tons of forums and sites around the net. Do you point them out? No, just the other GN folks at the other site. A...
  9. B

    wanna jacket??

    You should just let him have an account so we can filter it, instead of having all these one-off posts from stray accounts.
  10. B

    wanna jacket??

    Not to point out the obvious, but it appears you do ... So you are just a part-time boyfriend over there? It's ok, you can come out now, it's the 80's ... and then some.
  11. B

    wanna jacket??

    S o C a L G N . C o m it would appear
  12. B

    wanna jacket??

    No. Why doubt it? There's nothing here to bring em back, you even proved it yourself via this statement ... Nice backlash there amigo. Share the laugh with who? It looks to me like your the only one laughing. 9 hours after you post and nobody makes a reply. I'd like to say you are...
  13. B

    Why I won't be going to a SoCal Buick event again any time soon

    A fender got gouged by some twit who most likelt didnt even know they did it. Nobody saw who, but I bet if they did the drama there would have been spectacular.