Recent content by ALASKA GAS MAN

  1. A

    Need some advice

    temps before you change fans and t stat consider this if your cars runs a consistent 212 to 214 leave it this allows for better atomzations of fuel a cool temp will not nessicarly run better,,for example zr1 vetts fans do not come on till about 220 to 230 degres but it works. cooling fuel...
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    Humbled smack talker SRT4 tonight

    hype and smack talk, yes turbogreg 10 and11 second cars are fast no matter what brand it is all about the smack talk you here in town nothing personal and i am far from and idiot,i like fast cars and till just recently have only done the qt in 13:36 (dirt track qt) i have rode in a gn that...
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    Humbled smack talker SRT4 tonight

    rice verse gn hum time to get out the video cam so i can watch a slow neon get whipped a rear wheel drive verse frt wheel drive...hum???well duh and think about the weight diff, its a lot if a neon hit a turd it would fold as they are pressed outta recycled beer cans.. as for the wagon i...
  4. A

    Need some advice

    buick verses rice!! well duh race the big red wagon first yea know the one rollin with a stroller and child seats in it been reading whats been going on and i wana see yea earn your way threw the wagon then the gn i already know the out come