A Female (Hotty) Poll - Which Ones?

what??? offended??? send me that pic of Angelina if you have one. I'd promise not to share either! Send it to ipodintampa@yahoo.com

Angelina is quite a beautiful woman
Sorry Guys/Gals if I offended anyone with the Angelina Jolie PIC earlier. I posted it in good faith as I didn't think it was tooooooooooo revealing :eek: :eek: :eek: . So my bad as a moderator deleted her PIC only!

O.K. here's a new but more conversative Angelina. She still looks gorgeous no matter what she is wearing.

Thanks Again and Apologies

flip (I'm A Good Guy - ;))
What about Eva Mendes? You through her in the air and she will turn into sunshine.
Eva_Mendes_Nude_ad.jpg (image)

1) Linda Hamilton or Angela Bassett- niether, unless I had my drinking goggles on.
2) Beyonce or Shakira- Beyonce for sure
3) Janet Jackson or Madonna- both are showing their age, but if I had to pick it would be Janet
4) Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie - Halley Berry no doubt, Angelina is showing her age as well
5) Julia Roberts or Jennifer Anniston- neither of them. Julia has a pretty face and terrible body (too skinny), and Jennifer just doesn't cut it ( kinda man like)
What about Carmen Electra?

But in my Eyes Faith Hill is tha best chick on the planet.
What Have I Started????????

Wow, I have created a monster in posting this thread. It is taking on a life of its own. Wow, the PICs are banging and I love the hell out of them. The Eva and Carmen PICs are in a class of their own and should be another pair to choose from.

I personally would pic Eva of Eva (but Carmen - Wowwwwww!).:confused: :confused: ;)

Yet, I have a PIC of one lady fully clothed that would blow your socks ago. Yes, Halle is the bomb but I think this lady even blows Halle away (well maybe tied for 1st place). If I only had one dream that could come true it would be to have her.:rolleyes:


Halle Berry....period

But I will say this, if U throw Shakira in the package, I will have to let her join the party too ;) . You know I have to say for an old broad Julia looks pretty good in that photo. OK screw it Ill take em all but Madonna, that silly b!tch looks like a heroin hype to me.

What about Eva Mendes? You through her in the air and she will turn into sunshine.
Eva_Mendes_Nude_ad.jpg (image)

1) Linda Hamilton or Angela Bassett- niether, unless I had my drinking goggles on.
2) Beyonce or Shakira- Beyonce for sure
3) Janet Jackson or Madonna- both are showing their age, but if I had to pick it would be Janet
4) Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie - Halley Berry no doubt, Angelina is showing her age as well
5) Julia Roberts or Jennifer Anniston- neither of them. Julia has a pretty face and terrible body (too skinny), and Jennifer just doesn't cut it ( kinda man like)
She can have my lunch money!
1) Sarah Connor:cool:
2) Beyonce , not sure why:confused:
3) Madonna, Janet reminds me to much of Michael
4) Angelina
5) Julia Roberts , Jennifer just looks like a b ch to me

I would take a 20 year old Sophia Loren over any of them. :eek:
Battle of the Jessicas

Jessica Alba -vs- Jessica Biel


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Kaley Hazell

This girl Kaley Hazell drives me absolutely nuts. I'm not kidding. Just Google her name and click on Images in the Google toolbar if you want to see more good pics of her.

This girl brings on immediate Viagra style Results!!! :D



Well, I almost hear the TurboBuick Cops sirens blowing; however, no notice as of yet. The thread I would say is heating up a bit,:eek::eek:. Just as long as nothing is showing (vital parts), I guess we are O.K.. Yet, those last few - Wowwwwwwwwww!!!



Is it just me, or is this girl just "F-I-N-E"?


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Guys and Gals, I'm curious as this is a hard one. When rating these 5 sets of women, out of each set, whom would you say is the sexiest/hottest. You can only pick one out of each set.

1) Linda Hamilton or Angela Bassett = None of the above
2) Beyonce or Shakira = Shakira (Oh hell yeah)
3) Janet Jackson or Madonna Ummmm No thanks....
4) Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie = Angelina but only a one nighter....
5) Julia Roberts or Jennifer Anniston = Jenn (I'd well...nevermind....)

Now out of each set, whom would you pick?:confused: :confused: