You be the Judge

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Are your windows tinted? If so, you could take the ticket to court....and lose. In Michigan it doesn't matter if it's 50%, 35%, 20% or limo. You can't have your front windows tinted in Michigan - end of story. I write at least 1 window ticket a day. Sometimes many more....

Michigan's window tint law can be found here:

As far as their unprofessional demeanor that's something you could bring to the attention of their Sgt.

Look at it this way, they could have given you a $110 tinted window ticket (assuming your windows have been tinted) and sent you on your way instead of admiring your car.
Hey don't feel bad they let you go with your car. I had one of those crooked state pigs with a major short man complex (which all pigs have) tow away my car due to allegedly drag racing. To make a very long story short they extorted $3500 out of me to get my car back while never being found guilty of drag racing.

P.S stay away from Belle Isle if the cops don't jack you on the way down there, the locals will.
Originally posted by top gun
Hey don't feel bad they let you go with your car. I had one of those crooked state pigs with a major short man complex (which all pigs have) tow away my car due to allegedly drag racing. To make a very long story short they extorted $3500 out of me to get my car back while never being found guilty of drag racing.

P.S stay away from Belle Isle if the cops don't jack you on the way down there, the locals will.
Hahha, what can you do but laff.. :D :eek: :p

It certainly couldn't have been the fact you were driving like a complete idiot and got caught and can't take responsibility for your actions. It's just easier to blame someone else. One of those sounds like a run-on sentence.

Hey guy that for breaking it down for me, I'll take a peak at that link you put in a minute here...I realize though not all cops are bad, I tried what you said and the Sgt at the state police HQ said he would not answer my question or even discuss the matter with me. That truly pissed me off. Not all cops are out to "Protect & Serve", certainly not the ones I ran into, more like harrass & irrate.

I must say, however, that when my car was stolen one officer bend over backwards to help me & when the dust settled got my car back without a piece missing so I guess it's who you run into & what mood their in on that day as to whether they want to help you, harrass you or hurt you.....:confused:

P.S. I just took a look at that law and that IMHO is very petty....Cops have nothing else better to do than write a ticket for that...Highly unlikely..The said truth is these are underpaid pissed off guys in uniform that had nothing else better to do than to f#$K with me....

Their are so many petty laws and reasons they can stop you for that they can use the book to support but any competent Judge can read between the lines..I've beat tickets before & this would have been a easy one.....

In addition I think I'm capable of taking care myself at Belle Isle
or anywhere else....I let no one or no-thing scare me...I could care less what the circumstance calls for.....

Agreed, there are a few who feel they're better than the average joe....bad attitude.

Just out of curiosity, how would have you gotten out of a tinted window ticket? It's pretty cut and dry unlike other violations. If you have tint on the driver/passenger window, you're guilty.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Hahha, what can you do but laff.. :D :eek: :p

It certainly couldn't have been the fact you were driving like a complete idiot and got caught and can't take responsibility for your actions. It's just easier to blame someone else. One of those sounds like a run-on sentence.

Hmmm, I don't remember you being there when I was pulled over.
It sounds to me like you are one of those pigs with a complex.
I am sure you guys feel great about that 20k salary you pull down each year and all the power that comes with it:rolleyes:
Originally posted by toddmingnworld

In addition I think I'm capable of taking care myself at Belle Isle
or anywhere else....I let no one or no-thing scare me...I could care less what the circumstance calls for.....

Todd [/B]

Sounds like you took advantage of the new ccw law. It's a great law they passed, we can protect ourselves while the pigs are napping from a overdose of donuts.
Originally posted by top gun
Sounds like you took advantage of the new ccw law. It's a great law they passed, we can protect ourselves while the pigs are napping from a overdose of donuts. gun your the man.:D
Originally posted by top gun
Hmmm, I don't remember you being there when I was pulled over.
It sounds to me like you are one of those pigs with a complex.
I am sure you guys feel great about that 20k salary you pull down each year and all the power that comes with it:rolleyes:
:rolleyes: Oh boy, another Jerry Springer fan club lifetime member.

Your crappy attitude wouldn't have anything to do with your disdain for breaking the law and getting caught would it? :confused: You're the poster child for the Turbo-Buick community, stand up and take a bow. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by TT/A1233
:rolleyes: Oh boy, another Jerry Springer fan club lifetime member.

Your crappy attitude wouldn't have anything to do with your disdain for breaking the law and getting caught would it? :confused: You're the poster child for the Turbo-Buick community, stand up and take a bow. :rolleyes:

Looks to me like your attitude is not much better. Sounds like the badge and gun you get to carry has went to your head?:confused: :eek: And I highly doubt he cares what an internet personality he portrays or if he is the turbobuick posterboy.:rolleyes:

It easy to talk smack here, I wonder what you would say if he was standing infront of you and you were off duty?:D Hmmm..don't answer that..
What are you complaining about? You didn't get a ticket! As an anti-government right-winger, I'm the first to complain about the abuse of citizens rights, but this cop probably wanted to just check out your GN. You should be honored.
Re: Re: You be the Judge

Originally posted by TT/A1233
I write at least 1 window ticket a day. Sometimes many more....

Terrorizing citizens is nothing to be proud of.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
:rolleyes: Oh boy, another Jerry Springer fan club lifetime member.

Your crappy attitude wouldn't have anything to do with your disdain for breaking the law and getting caught would it? :confused: You're the poster child for the Turbo-Buick community, stand up and take a bow. :rolleyes:

Jerry Springer fan club member, is that some term used by you and your pig buddies at the morning circle jerk at the station??

Bad attitude, nope just calling it how it is.

You need to keep your thoughts about giving tickets to guys with fast cars within your little group of hero pig buddies.
For some reason you have an axe to grind and blame others for mistakes you make. It comes down to personal accountability and responsibility. You do wrong and get away with it, so be it-so what. You do wrong and get caught don't blame society, the cops, the courts or your parents. Look in the mirror, take your lumps and go about your business. If you don't like the laws as they're written then be a US citizen and take the issue up with your legislative representative and change the laws, or move elsewhere.

Are there arsehole cops, sure. Just like there's arsehole CEO's, mechanics, web developers, accountants, politicians, doctors, and GN owners.

Don't like the police, just think back at your last contact with a police officer and what caused that contact. Was it because he/she was bored and needed someone to pick on, or because you did something to cause them to talk to you?

Enjoy hating the world....
You guys both have your faults. Top Gun is just too anti-police and shouldn't go about name calling, as there are plenty of good cops. TT/A1233, you take a "Just doing my job" attitude. The Nazi soldiers were just doing their job too, but they were still brought up on charges. You shouldn't be giving BS tickets or terrorizing citizens, job or not.
Originally posted by toddmingnworld
They start asking questions and ask if I have drugs or guns in my car.

Response: "Well if I did then I'm certainly not going to admit it."
Originally posted by TT/A1233
For some reason you have an axe to grind and blame others for mistakes you make. It comes down to personal accountability and responsibility. You do wrong and get away with it, so be it-so what. You do wrong and get caught don't blame society, the cops, the courts or your parents. Look in the mirror, take your lumps and go about your business. If you don't like the laws as they're written then be a US citizen and take the issue up with your legislative representative and change the laws, or move elsewhere.

Are there arsehole cops, sure. Just like there's arsehole CEO's, mechanics, web developers, accountants, politicians, doctors, and GN owners.

Don't like the police, just think back at your last contact with a police officer and what caused that contact. Was it because he/she was bored and needed someoneo pick on, or because you did something to cause them to talk to you?

Enjoy hating the world....

Not hating the world, just pigs messing with law abiding, tax paying citizens. It's a good thing we have a system that allows a trip to the court. The judge and jury have the final say when a flunkie, grunt cop, over steps his bounds and harasses innocent citizens.
Damn I had a feeling this topic was gonna generate the some interesting thoughts/opinions...


Maybe I should be honored but I'm not and you wanna know why because they have no busy pulling me over for no just
reason no matter what the cause (Admiration of my car or not)


Also did I mention in this that I took my seat belt off to grab my wallet for my license after the cop asked for my info, insurance & other crap and I said you saw me take off my seat belt right? The cop said and I quote "I don't care if you wanna kill yourself thats you" When he said that I knew right off the bat these guys were shady...In Michigan, correct me if I'm wrong now, did they not pass a seatbelt law that they can pull you over and ticket you for just this, but this one cop didn't car...It's clearer than day what these a$$clowns were up too....It is so many damn laws out there not all of which make sense they can use to support the the reason they wrote a citation....Whether I would have lost or not really isn't the point...

The fact of the matter is the underlining reason they pulled me over was not legit. I was not drunk, speeding & doing any of those other things that some people do and he pulled me over for tinted windows....C'mon now.....Every cop in my City know I own that car for pete sake they had in their impound at one point when the damn thing was recovered and not one has ever bothered me about tinted windows & I pass cops State & local everyday....(Their's a state police office right off of 696 & coolidge hwy not even 5 minutes from me)

I understand to some degree though why your taking up for your boys in blue but I'm sorry if you wrong you wrong & they were just that.


Long live the GN!!!
Originally posted by TurboTer
You guys both have your faults. Top Gun is just too anti-police and shouldn't go about name calling, as there are plenty of good cops. TT/A1233, you take a "Just doing my job" attitude. The Nazi soldiers were just doing their job too, but they were still brought up on charges. You shouldn't be giving BS tickets or terrorizing citizens, job or not.

That Nazi comment is totally out of line and down-right uncalled for to compare me (or other domestic law enforcement officers) to Nazi Germany. In fact it's pretty phucking sick. :mad: A retraction for that comparison is in order.

You consider them BS tickets but they're a helluva lot better than non-BS tickets like MOVING VIOLATIONS. Geezus, the vast majority of tickets I write are for equipment violations and I choose to make them waiveable so no one will be stung financially. That means if you correct the problem within 14 days (the max allowable-which is my choice as well) then the whole thing goes away with no court appearance and no record the stop took place. Now you're telling me that's "terrorizing" someone?...give me a break. Quotas are illegal but our bosses expects us to write a few traffic tickets, it shows productivity just like any other job. I could write expensive moving violations and put points on driving records but I choose not to unless someone does something blatant, dangerous or cops a crappy attitude and EARNS a ticket. The taxpayers of my county don't want me wasting gas in a patrol car doing absolutely noting and as far as I'm concerned writing "sign off" tickets doesn't penalize ANYONE, what's the down side? My bosses are happy, the motorist is happy (no fine/no points), their vehicle gets back into compliance with the law and I'm [as you put it] just doing my job.

There's a lot of stereotyping going on here, otherwise known as hypocrisy. I invite ANYONE here to come ride with me and witness with their own eyes just how much I "terrorize" the public. If you can't (or won't), check with your local department. Don't be so naive to paint the entire law-enforcement community with one broad brush and be so narrow minded. Look at both sides of an issue and educate yourself before making such uneducated judgments. I talk to the public the way I'd like to be spoken to if the roles were reversed, I can't say that for some cops. In a stressful situation that may change but there's times control must be established, so be it.

I'm no hypocrite, I've done dumb things myself. Some before getting hired, some after and I paid for it. I was bitter at first but after clarity set in I had to ask myself who's fault it actually was and who caused the problems. The answer was pretty clear.

I'm sure everyone in here's a taxpayer. Would you prefer your cops do nothing all day and let motorists drive how the hell they want, never renew their license plates, let their insurance lapse, drive with broken windows & neon lights plastered everwhere with their thumpers pounding the pavement at all hours of the day and night and basically do whatever they want to their cars? Yea right.....

Here's a few questions I challenge anyone here who's blasting me:
Look back at your last police contact and what caused it. If you got into trouble was is legitimate? Did you in fact do something you shouldn't have been doing? Who's fault was it really that you were speaking with a police officer?