xfi trans brake control


Sep 26, 2004
Hi guys
I was wondering if anyone was using the trans brake control function
with any success.I was wondering if it was reliable fast & consistent.
I was considering adding traction control anyone using this with
Yes and yes :D

I used both succesfully on my own car. I have tuned a few Buicks using the trans creep feature. I think there is a video of Street-T's TSO car using it in the video section. It works greta as long as you don't change your launch boost/rpm too much. The more you change those, the more you need to tweak your trans settings.
There are a LOT of Buicks using the traction control features. All of them use the Heuristic mode. Some of the more traction limited also use the PA mode. A select few of them have the traction control tied into the AMS1000