Why isn't BUSH impeached?

Any liberal that would buy a Turbo Buick and post on a Turbo Buick board is an absolute moron. Mixing liberalism with a TB is like mixing drinking and driving.
If we would have invaded Afghanistan on Sept 10, 2001 we would have:

1.) Had NO legitimate reason to do so.

2.) Would have violated the "UN Charter"

3.) Would have violated the "non-republican" american's trust

4.) would have "needlessly killed" american soldiers (in the eyes of non-republicans)

The UN didn't sanction desert Storm II. So F-ing What? Kofi Annan's son was on the take from Saddam as were lots of people in France, Germany and Russia. Even Scott Ritter was having a $400,000 movie made about him being financed by Saddam.

George Bush won't, but I will tell you the REAL reason we invaded Iraq. There can be NO middle east peace without the supporters (the financers and the harborers) of terrorists being eliminated first. Saddam was paying $5 - $25K to the families of Suicide bombers and was a big supporter of palestinian "freedom fighters" :rolleyes:

Syria and Saudi's do the same and they will be dealt with in time.

When Bush spoke of Saddam being an "Imminent threat against free nations" he meant Israel. Nobody will deny that he wasn't, will they?

With GOOD INTELIGENCE we could have stopped the attack.
No comparison between Ben Laden and Hussein. Ones a dictator and the other a TERRORIST..Oh sure you can make comparisons.
With Bush's line of thinking, why dont we just attack every third world country......sounds like fun!

Israel can take care of themselves..What did they do when Iraq built a nuc reactor....THEY DIDNT INVADE....They sent in a couple of f-15's and blew it up. If we really wanted to JUST get rid of Hussein we could have sent in a couple of UAV's and removed him.

"George Bush won't, but I will tell you the REAL reason we invaded Iraq".

Guess again......Bush is on a RELIGIOUS CRUSADE and the neo's are into Globalization. Bush is being used, he's too stupid to realize it.
News today:

We do not have enough troops on the ground to secure the few hot spots in Iraq. There are plenty more places where 20 different bands of Muslim militia's have dug in.

The main highway has 7 different check stops controlled by 7 different Muslim militia's that completely control the highway!!

An American expert in charge of rebuilding Iraq feels we are on the verge of loosing this thing. He states we need 2 more divisions (40,000-50,000) additional troops right now to control the main highway and secure borders.

Well there's the call for you Patriotic Conservative Americans.
The one's that call my Patriotic Liberal opinions anti-American and want me to take a hike to France or Canada.

Now is your time to step up and prove yourself. It's time to enlist yourself, your son, daughter, girlfriend or wife.
We need 50,000 more young men and woman right now! Come on, show me that you can walk that "Patriotic" talk.

Gee, probably not going to get a long line. I wonder why?

Perhaps the Bush plan is ill conceived and undermanned, and done on the cheap! Let's borrow another 100 billion a year for 5 years from us rich tax payers. That will be great for our economy. NOT.

I can't think of a better use of our tax money at home can you?

P.S. Dear Mr President,

Your favorite philosopher, Jesus Christ, was a Liberal Patriot of Israel. He lived to rebel against the authority of Rome and the Jewish authority. He tried to point out a better way than arrogance and violence against the poor and common people. He was killed by the Conservative authorities.

Another Liberal American Patriot
1QWIK6... I'm still waiting for a response. Your ranting about staying on topic... well I'm holding you to it. What say you.

We4ster... Let me correct myself. This nation was founded on judeo-christian principles, and while the Constitution does not affirm any specific religion, the rights it protects stem from judeo christian beliefs. Many of the framers were deists yes, but I guarantee you that they did not have Muhammed in mind when they started off each meeting of the convention with a prayer.

I further reject the idea that lack of membership in a congregation bars one from claiming membership in a specific religion. Combine that with demographics and population breakdowns of the 1800's and it no surprise that masses of people weren't going to "church" in the generic sense as we know it.

Finally, and I want to preface this with the statement that it isnt intended as an insult in any way, but as a former member of the military, you of all people should understand that legitimacy and justification have jack squat to do with a soldier. There is no draft, so everyone that is in or has been in Iraq is there by choice. I have no doubt that some or maybe many joined the military to attain the benefits, and did so under the assumption that there was no likelyhood of war in the near future. To that contingent the most I can say is tough craps. I'm not trying to take away from their service and sacrifice, but you cant complain about taking a gamble when you knew all the options.

What is the point of all this... simply that soldiers are not needlessly dying. A soldiers job is to fight where and when the president says. He isnt a policy analyst or a moral compass. This isnt to say that a leader is free to use people as numbers on paper or make careless decisions about when to commit force. However, the point that you and a few others are missing, is that the legitimacy of this war does not rest on the single issue of WMD's.

Hell, you could take away a couple of issues and there would still be legal and moral justification for starting this war. According to your definition of imminent, we should have never gone to war with Germany since there was no viable threat to our borders, which I must admit makes me very curious as that does not seem quite characteristic of a military man, least of all a SEAL.
I'd love to hear Liberals response to President Bush saying this on sept 10th 2001.

" People of America, we have learned that terrorists are planning to attack us. These terrorists are based in Afghanistan. The Afghan government is aiding them and will not assist in stopping them so we have deceided we are going to invade the country of Afghanistan"

I can see your liberal asses saying " where's the proof" and " Don't hurt the poor people of Afghanistan" and "they have done nothing to us".

Did we have the time to wait to see if Saadam was going to attack us? There are WOMD's in Iraq. There may not have been stock piles, and some may have gotten into terrorists hands already.

You should be fearing a world after a WOMD kills thousands in the US. Our government will nuke the next country that farts. Damn people better wake up and smell the cianide because if it hits home we are going to start nuking countries. Clinton was a candy ass that did nothing to stop Al Queda and that is why they were still around to pull of 9-11. You can bet if Bush isn't re-elected, the next president is going to be glad he doesn't have Iraq and Afghanistan to worry about as a threat to the US.

OBTW, France supplied Iraq with chemicals, we supplied Iraq with conventional weapons, France also supplied them with just about everything to build a nuclear power plant with...we supported Isreals strike to blow it up.

Ben Frankilin is a great example to use as a French supporter in 2004.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by We4ster
What "LEGITIMATE" reason did bush have for invading Iraq. The key word is LEGITIMATE....
Let me field this.

DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THE CEASE FIRE AGREEMENT? This stopped hostilities in 1991 and it was CONDITIONAL. Parts of those conditions were UNFETTERED INSPECTIONS (didn't happen) and NO FLY ZONES. Iraq shot at our planes no less than 17 times (violated the agreement).

Just ONE violation is enough for us to resume hostilities and INVADE them again and oust Saddam.

How's that? Legitimate enough?

Cease fire agreement was with the U.N. and we violated it when we attacked iraq ON OUR OWN.....NOT LEGITIMATE!

"I'd love to hear Liberals response to President Bush saying this on sept 10th 2001"

We knew about Pearl Harbor before they attacked and what did we do.....nothing...You can "what if" all you want, it doesnt LEGITIMIZE what bushbaby did!

"Did we have the time to wait to see if Saadam was going to attack us? There are WOMD's in Iraq".

More stupidity,
Saddam could barely keep his government together thanks to U.N. resolutions. He had "NO DELIVERY SYSTEM", How was he going to attack the U.S....Thats nothing but rhetoric designed to scare the ignorant.

"This nation was founded on judeo-christian principles"

Thomas Paine

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of...Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all."
You want to see stupidity, your whole thread is based on it. Impeach the president because we didn't find WOMD? We couldn't impeach a president who is also a lawyer for lying under oath for taking advantage of a young intern. Talk about having the world laugh at us.

Ben Franklin liked France? LMAO

I WANNA SEE YOUR PROOF THAT SADDAM WAS LOSING CONTROL OF HIS GOVERNMENT. You just keep making it up as you go. Look at the big picture, the world is a better , safer place w/out him.
Man, I missed your Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory. That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. First if it were true all we would have had to do is pull ALL our ships out of Pearl and wait for the planes and launch a counter attack. The Japs being in striking range of Pearl alone would have constituted an act of war. Yea, we sacrificed all of those battleships and men so we could enter WWII. We knew by seriously depleting our Pacific naval force that we would get real lucky in the battle of Midway and turn the tide. We also risked the Japanese invading Hawaii and taking it over, which was theorized to be an easy accomplishment by the Japs if they tried it.
I'm done with thread. I thought we were having a somewhat intelligent argument.
Originally posted by We4ster
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Is We4ster saying anything worth while or just more disgusting liberal drivel?
Pearl Harbor Conspiracy....FACT

Its true..............READ.
My uncle, who was in Naval Intel for 32 years was stationed in China along with several other intel officers. They watched the build up of the Japanese and had broken their code. They sent the info to D.C. before Dec 7th..NO ONE BELIEVED IT
Do a little research...its there........

"We couldn't impeach a president who is also a lawyer for lying under oath for taking advantage of a young intern"

Hello....Slick Willie was impeached BY THE HOUSE!..............Doh

Re: France?

Originally posted by FAMLYKAR
Let me see. French woman, excellent food, Mediteranian nude beaches and gambling on the Riviera

So you dig women with lots of body hair.........to each his own. :D
This is the last time you freak'in "NIT WITS"(guess where I picked that up?)
Bush may of mis-spoke,mis-understood,made the threat appear worse than it was(or not).You people can't prove it,You can prove Clinton lied. Bush has had many people(Dems,repubs) over the years state that they believe Iraq had wmd's.
Now do something that will help the situation instead of mudding the water.

I wish people would'nt get so one sided that they can't see the obvious. Micheal Moore,Rush Limbaugh. Don't fall into their trap.
NOW move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This whole thing is laughable because not one single bleeding heart liberal here has been able to show how Bush is elligible to be impeached.

I know a little ignorance goes a long way but please put down the DNC talking points and pick up your local copy of the constitution.
Wooward is a liar , Clarke is a liar, O'Neill is a Liar, Dean is a Liar it's all a GIANT Liberal Conspiracy. Prince Bandar should always be consulted about WAR before our Secretary of State Colin Powell ( because Powell is a moderate conservative, not a neocon,as well as the only person in the cabinet to see action in a war):confused:
You guys should read some articles by a guy named Jay Bushinsky[middle east correspondent for 40 years].
Check him out with a Google search.
Loks like China sold sold some rather nasty chemicals to Iraq at one time,,,,and in no small amount.
The government ouster thing is covered too.
This is why I am not answering

"not one single bleeding heart liberal ..."

Blah, Blah, Blah.. your A.D.D. treatable. FOR THE THIRD FREAKIN TIME IN THE SAME POST...I said NO



BUSH LIE OF WMD... STICK TO IT! Do not try to spin this.
Originally posted by b231v6
This is the last time you freak'in "NIT WITS"(guess where I picked that up?)
Bush may of mis-spoke,mis-understood,made the threat appear worse than it was(or not).You people can't prove it,You can prove Clinton lied. Bush has had many people(Dems,repubs) over the years state that they believe Iraq had wmd's.
Now do something that will help the situation instead of mudding the water.

I wish people would'nt get so one sided that they can't see the obvious. Micheal Moore,Rush Limbaugh. Don't fall into their trap.
NOW move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't be stealin' my vocabulary! :D

I have to disagree with you with the Michael Moore, Rush comparison. MM is an outright commie, Iraqi insurgent sypathizer, and a traitor to this country. While Limbaugh is partison, he makes a lot of sense and points out the hypocrisy of the left. He certainly has his shortcomings, as we all do. I don't agree with his rants on class envy or the idea that we shouldn't have more government help with medical. Some of you may know how rediculously expensive medical procedures are. Price of medical procedures are downright scary.

I might mention know it all O'Reilly, too. I probably came out of a similar envirement growing up. This guy, in my opinion, is an arrogant idiot. The term NITWIT, :D comes to mind. Talk about somebody having a little success, then it all goes to his head. I like when he complains about having to pay high taxes. :rolleyes: These people, who have more than they can ever spend, think they're worth every penny of it. :rolleyes: The guy tiptoes around when talking about certain people just in the hopes they'll come on his show. If you notice, he never has anyone of importance, left or right, on his show. They don't know where that idiot will go with the conversation if they do.

Well, glad I got that off my chest. :p