Powermater unit and Autozone (years ago)


New Member
Jun 3, 2002
I was in autozone yesterday getting a part for my vette and asked the guy about a powermaster unit for the turbo buick. He told me that they no longer carry them. I bought mine there many years ago under a lifetime warranty. The parts guy was of no help. If i need another one is my warranty cancelled? Should they refund my original purchase price? Or did the guy not know what he was doing. In his defense he was a fairly new employee and all he co-workers were outside smoking or gone at the time. I have a couple of cores in the garage, do they have any value? Thanks.
not sure about the warranty issue..but I think Kirbans pays $75 for cores.
check their parts wanted page
i use to be a manager for autozone :rolleyes: if you go to autozone.com they show them as a order only item, if not available anymore demand a refund,
speak to someone in charge or demand a district phone number that will get you action i promise.