Pottstown, PA Need Help

Eastern Performance does no longer exist. The last owner recently past away. I'll leave his personal info out of it. I had not seen him in years; once he got sick he cut off alot of people. Hopefully to spend more time with his family. God Bless.

John @ ESP Products

do all yourselves a favor and stay the hell away from esp,eastern performance or whatever they are calling it now. The company is a sham allways has allways will.
Re: esp

Originally posted by ulose2av6
do all yourselves a favor and stay the hell away from esp,eastern performance or whatever they are calling it now. The company is a sham allways has allways will.

I can say from personal experience that this was true, in the 90's, when John Perri was the only person at EP that I was dealing with or ever saw working there the few times I visited the "shop" = (backyard garage).
i have dealt with eastern in the past and john is a stand up guy.he has bent over backwards for me and even came in on the weekend to help me with parts.one of the most helpful with info and service as far as im concerned.whats up john?this is mike from norristown.:D
you must be the only person he hasnt f*****. Consider yourself to be lucky. he prolly already drained your wallet.
Hello Mike,

Haven't heard from you in a while. Didn't you get married or have a child?

Hope all is well,
John @ ESP

PS. Who is "ulose2av6" ? No info is available on his profile, he's unhappy, but never says what happened or when.
NOTE: We are not Eastern Performance, Inc.
Originally posted by ESP Products
NOTE: We are not Eastern Performance, Inc.

But you, John Perri, are the one who lied, and lied, AND LIED MORE. And screwed up orders time and time again. Failed to deliver parts, substituted parts, promised to take care of bad parts and fix bad parts and never kept your promise.

I have not pulled out my receipts, but in just two instances, you took me for about $300 to $450.

I did not start any bashing threads but I will certainly tell about my experiences with you when the subject comes up.

What goes around comes around :(

listen Mr perri there is no need for you to know who i am or whats the problem. Just heard from many people that you ripped them off or scammed something from them wheather it was a staged 1, block or crank. you have not done the right thing. What makes me laugh now is that you changed locations and name again this is like the 3rd time. You dont have any knowledge about building turbo regals you are more of a sweet talker than anything else. Someone that really makes someone believe that you can make a combo work. But in reality you dont. I will be starting a class action or small claims against esp eastern performance or whatever it is now so anyone that is intrested please reply.
Count me in!

I forgot about the BRF core he got when I bought my transmission from him that turned out not to be a BRF trans and or BR valve body - and also turned out to be a non working trans!!!
I ordered a emblem from ESP. I waited for it to come in a reasonable time. It never came, so I gave ESP a call back. They never sent the emblem. So I ordered the emblem again. But now the price was ten dollars higher then it was when I originally quoted. I needed it so I bought it because it was the only one that I could find. It was only ten dollars. But it was more principle than anything else. I'm glad that it happened that way though. I have since hooked up with several vendors that quote you a price and stick to it. Just my opinion. No flaming just telling you my experience.
Hello Steve,
Are your the guy that had the wasted Art Carr trans or converter?

And "ulose2av6" Are you the one with the used stage block with eboxy in it? If so, that has been resolved and you took the first step.
You seem to know so much about Eastern's history... I'm curious what the 3 names were. Because I recently spoke to one of an old owner and it was Eastern Performance, Inc from 1988 to 2000, when it closed down. I was employeed there, but did not own. End of that story.


If anyone has a problem with ESP Products, I would welcome intelligent conversation. I can not speak for Eastern anymore.

Again, if there is problems with ESP Products, which has been dealing with the public for 2+/- years, let me know; that's my job.

Hope this helps,
John @ ESP products
www.espperformance.com (for the guy that asked)
I bought a lot of little things (Chips, emblems, etc.) from Eastern
back in the Early 90's when they used to go to the E-Town Fathers Day Shootouts, I believe it was John and his wife at the Tent, they also used to have a HUGE Cataloge. I NEVER had a problem.

At THAT the time I heard it was run from John's Apartment in Voorhess NJ. How he got all the parts from that 200page Catalogue in his house is a real mystey!!:eek:
MODS: should this non tech discussion be moved???

Originally posted by ESP Products
Hello Steve,
Are your the guy that had the wasted Art Carr trans or converter?

No. My trans was a working GN trans. You talked me into replacing it with one of your units built by a specialist in GN transmissions. Since I had it out and would need a converter to work with the fresh engine and lots of new parts, it seemed like the way to go - except that the trans was junk from day one and it was not a BRF unit and does not have a BR valve body. You said that you would take care of it bring it to your trans builder. GJ transmissions kept the car for three months and would not release it without payment from me. I took it to your guy, 100+ miles, because you were to take care of it. The damn thing still had a bad 2-3 flair.