Im going in....(Timing Chain)

Well the $300 WAS the rate to recover my rear seat!!
HA!! Ill try it myself thank you very much.

So I clean out an area in the basement and start the tear down.

Now the seat covers came from JAX. Great product!! If you order the covers, GET THE HOG RINGS AND PLIERS!! It made the install that much easier.

The removal is pretty straight forward. Grab a good set of side cutters and start cutting and pulling the old Hog rings.

I would grab the ring, give it a twist, and then a pull. Off they came.

Like I said, get the Hog ring pliers. Worked GREAT!!


The hardest part was pulling and pusing on the cover to get the wrinkles out. I only had to pull 3 new hog rings to redo an area. I worked from the center towards the outside of the seat. I kept flipping the seat back and forth to keep working the cover to get it smooth.
In the time of Audioslaves first album, the lower part of the rear seat, DONE!!

Onto the upper part of the seat.
I quickly ripped and pulled the old hog rings and got the wore out cover off. I was shocked how the old material would just shred as I pulled on it.

The upper seat took a bit longer to weed out the wrinkles. I just took my time and just stuck with it.
In the end. I would have to say I am very pleased with the outcome. AND the fact that I saved $300!!


The $300 I saved, It bought my injectors and chip :D

More to come,
Im starting to believe you are the universal gn handyman, motortakeaparterrrrr, seatputogethererrrrrrrrrr all at the same time:biggrin:
GrandNational3 said:
This is the best thread that I have read. Nice work. Wanna do my seats next? :D


Ill tell ya, re-doing the seats were not that bad to do. Saving $300 and doing something yourself is pretty motivating. If you work on your car yourself, you CAN do the seats. (at least the rear ones)

Good Luck,
Sorry to say, but the wife has the camera. :(

I did manage to get the old fuel rail removed and the old injectors out. Seems like someone super glued them suckers in there.

The worst part about working on this car, the grime and dirt. This GN was sitting outside for god knows how many years, and the original owner did not like cleaning the engine compartment. So fast forward X many years. I get stuck cleaning all this ****!! Taking apart and replacing parts isnt that bad, its just working threw the "MUCK" thats the Bi-ch. Hopefully I can get my garage floor back to normal when this is said and done. :frown:

Whats that saying...If it was easy, we ALL would be doing it.

Eric emailed me back about the chip. He had a few questions,and I replied, but I havent heard back from him yet. Not to worried about that. You guys seem to swear by his work. I just cant wait to drive this car again.
Also, still waiting on the starter, it should be here Monday. Then I can get the underside buttoned up and put the front tires back on the ground.
If I dont have the chip by the time i get the front done, Im going to haul it to my friends shop (hes got a LIFT :biggrin: ) and put on the rear upper and lower control arms and new upper housing bushing. I got HR's fancy removal tool, so Ill try and give a good review on that. If it works like the rest of their products look, Im in.
I guess since Ill be under the car. Ill go ahead and replace the tranny filter and get the u-joints in the driveshaft replaced. Hell Ill just have them re balance the whole DS....and while Im at it, put on the Metco DS loop. Ill try and review it also.

Any other requests whie Im tearing into this GN??? LOL :D

One more thing. On our Power Steering pulley....How do I re-install it? Its not threaded so I cant thread in an installer tool. Is there something Im over looking??

Thanks as always,
QWK said:
One more thing. On our Power Steering pulley....How do I re-install it? Its not threaded so I cant thread in an installer tool. Is there something Im over looking??
Thanks as always,

Dude, You're an inspiration!! I have recently redone the interior of my Gn along with having the body and paint done. I've done a few things here and there in the engine bay but I hit the same wall as you. If I fix one thing that I might as well replace everything else!

So after all of the knuckle busting and cursing that you've gone through with the car (that's the easy part :biggrin: -relatively speaking) My question to you is how did you get the lady of the house to go along with this. Mine was cool with the first few packages that arrived until the UPS/Fed Ex guys were at the house every day. Now I get a glaring look and various inquiries as to what and why, yadda yadda yadda...

I'm like a covert operative now. I have to hide my new goodies and watch my OPSEC lest she give me endless grief about that "money pit" in the garage.

What's your secret man??? ;)
turbo39151 said:
Dude, You're an inspiration!! I have recently redone the interior of my Gn along with having the body and paint done. I've done a few things here and there in the engine bay but I hit the same wall as you. If I fix one thing that I might as well replace everything else!

So after all of the knuckle busting and cursing that you've gone through with the car (that's the easy part :biggrin: -relatively speaking) My question to you is how did you get the lady of the house to go along with this. Mine was cool with the first few packages that arrived until the UPS/Fed Ex guys were at the house every day. Now I get a glaring look and various inquiries as to what and why, yadda yadda yadda...

I'm like a covert operative now. I have to hide my new goodies and watch my OPSEC lest she give me endless grief about that "money pit" in the garage.

What's your secret man??? ;)

I have all my parts shipped to my store, and every other package is a new pair of shoes for her :biggrin:
Actually, I have a Speed shop, and she knew going in that this is what I do. Hell, we left my Grandmas church, after the wedding, in a blaze of tire smoke from my Nova. I guess Im one of the lucky ones, she likes the fact that I have a hobby, but she also knows that when needed, I will be there for her too. :)

Good luck on your 86
QWK said:
One more thing. On our Power Steering pulley....How do I re-install it? Its not threaded so I cant thread in an installer tool. Is there something Im over looking??

Thanks as always,

Oh $hit, looks like Ill be breaking out the 2x4 and a Hammer!! :eek:
QWK, this is a great thread. I am going to be doing the same thing you did this spring. I now have this thread bookmarked. :smile:

Cool, Thanks.

Make sure you have plenty of rubber gloves if its as dirty as mine. I have been through 3 boxes of Walgreens "examination rubber gloves" Still have along way to go...

Anyone on the pulley install? :confused:
Got a few things done tonight.
The PS Pulley, lube the shaft with oil, lube the inside of the pulley with oil, line it up on the shaft, Hit with plastic mallet. Repeat until seated at the back of the shaft. :D It took about 4 good hits.

Got the new 42lb injectors installed. I used some silicone spray on the rubber o-rings and installed the bottom of the injector into the manifold. I then rounded up the studs and nuts for the fuel rail, and then sprayed the inside of the fuel rail (where the injector goes in) with silicone spray. I lined up the holes with the top of the injector and pushed down on the rail. I had to go back and forth to make sure all injectors were started up into the hole.
Also, when you install the inj. into the intake, make sure the o-ring doesnt get ripped or bound up. You can tell if its installed correctly by turning it and feeling no play. (smooth rotation, I had one o-ring abit offset and turning it I found it was bound up on the rear of the Inj. I rotated it while pushing down near the back of the inj...does that make sense? Well it worked)
One more thing, when you are trying to line up the rail, make sure you have the fuel Inlet and retun line somewhat close to their mounting holes. They will bind up and cause the rail not to seat correctly.

Whatelse...put the drivers side VC back on. (The valve Springs are on hold till I get it running)
Remounted the Module and coil pack.
Installed the crank pulley and WP pulley.
Installed the Serpentine belt.
Mounted the Crank sensor.
Mounted the Drivers side Intercooler mounting "rod"

I think thats about it for tonight. Im still waiting on my ministarter & CHIP. Hopefully they come in soon.

Good night and Happy Boostin!!
A few things are left to do on the top half:
Mount Oil cooler lines (waiting on new ones)
Mount Oil filter (left one at work)
Pour Oil in VC (the qts are sitting next to the filter)
Replace PCV hose (lost the one I had)
and thats it!!

My ministarter should be here Thursday so Ill get that mounted. I then can get the Cross-over on and put the GN back on the ground :D

I just sent Eric a email, and man did I Fugg up!! :( I was suppose to do a CC online (which I hate doing, I would rather call and talk to somebody over the phone) for the purchase of the chip. Once he gets that, he then puts it in line (about a week) So I guess Ill be waiting another week before this thing fires.

On a positive note, I will use that time to get the rear HR control arms and new rear bushings installed...USING A LIFT!! :eek: :biggrin:
Ill be pulling the DS out and sending it off to get new U joints and re balanced. While Im under the tranny, I might as well do the GNTTYPE "spring Cleaning" suggestion and replace the filter.

Maybe one day it will drive again......

Ill have more pictures up soon. These posts suck without pictures ;)
Ok, so I go to TT site and TRY to pay with a CC....NO FN LUCK!! :mad:
Ok, so I sign up with PP...NO FN LUCK THERE EITHER!!! :mad: :mad:
It told me to adjust some Sh-t in my computer and re boot this and open that...FUGG ALL THAT. Ill be Red Labelin a MO out tomorrow...makes ya wanna start drinking again ;)

The saga continues.
Anyone on the fence about getting a ministarter...GET ONE!!! WOW! Now if the thing works as good as it went on, Ill be excited. No more 20lber for me. ;)
What else, The Cross-over pipe...WHAT A PITA!! :( I had to drill out the holes for the bolts to line up. I probably messed with it for about an hour. Finally got it bolted up.
I did a search and HOPEFULLY I have the Cam Sensor lined up correct. If all goes good, it should fire. HA!! "Should" is the key word here.

Here it is, back on the dirty floor in my Good Ole One car garage.

Everything bolted up and awaiting Erics TT chip. Notice the PF24 "biggie" filter and new cooler lines. And that new TA49 turbo :cool:

A Powermaster 140amp Altenator...Notice, the FP gauge, its resting at 35psi...NO leaks. Thats a promising sight.

Look close, you might see those High Rent RJC pullies :biggrin:

More to come...
Cool pics. I noticed you installed new headers. Did you use a gasket or just high temp sealant. I also noticed your running a copper gasket between the turbo and header. My gasket blew apart and is leaking so now i have these copper gaskets to install. i'll try to file both surfaces flat or i will have to run the copper gaskets for life. They told me not to run gasket if i could help it, since your headers and turbo are new, maybe you dont need on also.
After doing a search, I decided that most have had good luck with the HiTemp sealant. No gaskets. I have a set of FelPros sitting here, just in case.
Between the Turbo I am running a Copper gasket. I have tried those before and havent had any luck.(Std pattern headers BB Chevy) So hopefully this one works. :)
Ok cool. I think im just going to fix the turbo-header leak with the copper gasket for now, and then later when i get these headers off, i'll get the housing and header surfaces machined at the shop all at one time.