GTA Trans Am Springs to a GN?



Anybody got any experiences if a set of springs from a 88 GTA will fit an 87 GN? If it's possible do they just fit in right away or do I have to do any modifications? Just asking cuz I got a set of almost new GTA springs just lying around... And the biggest question of course is if there's any point to change to these springs? Better ride?
A few of my other G body friends have been using late 80's Iroc coils up front with no problems, Seems to stiffen things up considerably. I am not sure however whether the GTA and Iroc springs are a like>
The rears will fit also but you'll need the rubber isolator from the f-body for the top, since the f-body springs have the pig tail on just the bottom, unlike the G springs which are pig tailed on both ends. I believe their still available from GM for like $10 a piece. I don't know what the exact spring rates were compared to the GN's but I'd bet their stiffer.

Better ride? well depends what your looking for, if you want better handling and don't mind feeling the road a little more than yes....if you'd rather float like a boat through turns...your better off leaving them alone.

thanks for the isolator tip Tom. My goal is defenetily to get rid of the "boat" type handling, ;) I guess I just have to try to see if they work or not. I think both GTA and Iroc springs are quite the same, maybe a little bit different spring rate though. Do you guys know if the springs make the car run lower as well or do they remain the stock height? I'm currently running Koni adjustables. Those should work fine, right?
I believe they should end up being about the same height as stock. I'm currently running a set of F body lowering springs which were supposed to be a 1.5" drop, which is about where my car came i'd assume it be pretty close, but don't really know.

Heres a couple links on alternate springs from the monte guys....

should be able to get a good idea from there. If they are to high you can always trim a coil.

I think you'll like the ride with GTA springs. Even with the stiffer springs I don't think its bad at all. Still much smoother than my integra or my buddies saleen.

Thanks again Tom! Those links were exactly what I was looking for. Now the only question remaining is the ride height in the front, due to the heavier V8 in the front of the GTA. GN V6 is probably a bit lighter, but I guess that's only to wait and see after I've replaced the springs. As you said, you can always trim 'em.
All of my buddies have trimmed theirs, I believe half a coil, depending on what size wheels and tires... Good Luck, And you will notice a huge improvement on handling. I would look next at getting the frame braces, with my T-top car I would notice all kinds of rattles and they have since disappeared!!!