FAST Training?

I decided to run the help files from my site too, just in case someone doesnt want to download it all. It can be accessed at:

Jim: whats a sever :-P

It looks like optonline is going to allow running webservers for 10 bucks a month more. Maybe I'll build another linux machine and host my own **** again. Whats the deal with the newer versions? Last I used was Slackware 7 and RH9 I think it was. I felt Slack was easier to config for web/email, but RH was prettier. I got the webserver/mySQL running fine in RH, but could never get the email server to run right. Couldnt get it set up in the right "group" to allow inter-server emails from forms, infopop boards etc, but could send/receive from outside fine. weird huh?