E85 Motor ,,would you build one

Not to burst anyone's bubble but gasoline will be around for a long time.

Gasoline has the infrastructure (200+ million cars and trucks in the US alone) less than 2% are E85 compatible.

It is expensive to add E85 to a refueling station (Chicken and egg with E85 compatible vehicles)

Ethanol cannot be pumped through pipelines as gasoline is.

Gasoline is still cheap.

There isn't enough land to grow the amount of crops needed to ethanol to offset the amount of gasoline we currently use.

E85 gives consumers LESS mileage, government subsidies are needed to make E85 competitive.

Technology will eventually solve many of these problems but not anytime soon - I can't wait but I am also a realist.
I know ADM makes ethonal from corn. It is broken down into a sugar/starch, one or the other and then made into ethanol. I worked there for about a year on a project and we had to use brass tool in the place so we didnt produce any spark because of the flammablity of the area.