Custom exhaust

Wait till you hear it on 42s alky and the tips

Also those tips are ractive 2.5 inlet oval tips 29.00 at my local parts store total cost of exhaust 189.00 canadian just saying
Ok heard it.. sounds fantastic...Whats that between the front spoilers?
Great sound! Pulling it out in the rain/snow just to satisfy our need for a sound clip, now that's awesome! Great job on the exhaust. Seems like you inspired lot of guys here, including me.
Sure makes the turbo loud. (y)

Kudos for having a rotisserie in your garage too.
I am getting ready to do this myself and I wondered if you've had a chance with the weather getting nicer to get out and drive it? If so I'd be curious to know your observations? Drone? Deep throaty sound? WOT sound?