
Sep 26, 2002
Bruce, NEED HELP...tranny done LEAKING for 21/2 hours

Bruce i got my transmission done today at Se turbo...bad news, it is leaking transmission oil down the side of the tranny, i paid a crapload to have it installed there and its leaking EVERYWHERE, it is coming from the left side of the tranny BIGTIME. I got home today and was greated by the smell of tranny fluid and SMOKE??? I looked and lo and behold it appears it is coming from the brass fittings????? Paul did the install, seemed to go ok, bad things happen now and again i know, i now have a small puddle forming under my car, great RIGHT??? I drove 2 1/2 hours for an install done right and now it seems to be going south, all i have is their shop # and will call on Monday but need some kind of solution now, the brass fittings on the tranny, for the tranny cooler, look like their leaking big time, could the brass fittings be LOSE???...he took it for a test drive and said it was good to go...
oops, the need help now came out the wrong way, trying to type and feel a little down at the moment, anyways if you would email me and let me know of something i can do before monday, i do not want to void the warrantee by messing with anything, thats the paper i signed, BUT what am i supposed to do? My email is i have is seturbo's shop # ill try to contact in the morning, i doubt he works this far into overtime
BTW i did not smell smoke until i stopped at my house, apparently at 70 mph it flew off the tranny and landed on the downpipe....after leaving se turbo we stopped at cracker barrell and i did not notice anything but i was not expecting anything and the parking lot where i parked was dimly lit...stopped at gas statio9n and checked my oil and loked good, both tranny and engine, did not smell anything abnormal, when i pulled in my driveway and put it in park it was smoking father said right off tranny fluid, i prayed it was just something else but of course my luck, well there is plenty of fluid leaking on the ground...the tranny fluid when i pulled in was right about at the full mark..., Paul said its good to overfill them, hopefully that saved it, could it be damaged from this?? If you would bruce email me, there is more to this but hopefully this all gets worked out.
There is a vent tube on top of the tranny, maybe it came from there, if you can look and see if it ain't comeing from above the fittings. If if got warm enough it may have just purged some out the vent, if it is still full I doubt you have any other probs. This isa just to ease your worries some until you talk with Bruce or Paul.
Doubtful....the vent tube runs to the bottle on the left side of my car, thats what was sent and installed but the car is on ramps and ill be going out there and taking a better look now that it is daytime.
took a look and tightened up the BRASS FITTINGS, they were LEAKING when driving....after that it seemed to go away from that area but i am still getting quite a bit of smoke off the DPIPE? I hope there is not a leak off the convertor??? There was ALOT of oil under my car so hopefully its just burning off the quart or two that was lost on the way home...
Give me a phone number right now. I will call asap.
Sounds like a fitting. Nothing major just friggin annoying. Nyumber and I will call or call 916-952-9567. I am looking at the phone.

AND..... I just called Paul at home and got him on this NOW!!! be expecting a phone call from one of us. I feel it may be a fitting but I wasnt there . All I did was build unit. It DID NOT leak a drop in our test car. Anyway, both PAUL and I are on this right now.

And.. do not fret the anxioty. Emotion is normal . You have a good reason to be "a little peturbed" . Just know that you are important to us and will be resolved asap. I think I would be a hollerin too if it were me :D:D:D

Keep smiling ( or trying) and it will work out.

So you like the function tho eh? hehehe

I want to apologize to Darrell for the miscommunication and oil leak. Unfortunately we are all still subject to human error now and again. As I explained to Darrell I simply assumed the brass fittings on the transmission (the fittings that your coolant lines tighten to) were tightly fastened to the case. I was wrong and that led to a slow but messy leak on Darrell’s two-hour drive home last night. This leak did not show on initial startup, but developed on his drive home. With 20/20 hindsight I should have put the car back up on the rack after our test drive. With a simple turn, the leak has stopped. However, I do want to put this in perspective. Without making any excuses, I don’t know of many shops that are willing to open on a Saturday, install a transmission, agree to stay an additional couple of hours (8pm), to install a turbo exhaust housing and actuator. I placed self induced pressure on myself to get Darrell back on the road at a decent hour. Additionally, I don't know of any shop that will respond to the customer and get problems resolved on a Sunday! I’m happy everything is resolved and happy to know Darrell is thrilled with his PTS Killer Street transmission. We at Southeast Turbo are strongly customer oriented, that’s why we insist on 100% customer satisfaction!
Now that's what I call service!!! Less than 24hr.s and on a Sunday none the less and problem resolved. WOW!
Thanks for calling me back and resolving everything, feels good to get customer support on an issue rather than ignored, never have i felt a firmer tranny:)