85 GN Build-off on History Channel tonight

I was just happy to see our cars on TV. I think it shows that there is an increased interest in our TR's " More Value"
My wife even watched w/ me:eek: I thought she would have walked out the minute I put it on....

i've been thinking a little bit about this. yea 14.3 is pretty slow, they should hae been able to go faster than that. but i think back to my first few trips to the track. i was throwing parts at my car and not really gaining much from any of them, i just thought thats the way it was. my first pass i think i run a mid 16. i met some gn guys that showed me what to do, and by the end of the night i was into the high 14's by basically doing nothing. I had quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to cars before that, but knowing about a sbc did nothign for me. since then, i might have put in another $200 into the car and i'm running in the 12's. the more i think about it, a 14.3 for the first pass on an untuned car, with an inexceperienced driver really isn't all that bad. thats the first time that guy had peobably ever sat in the seat. and i'm sure a low 14 feels like a rocket if you've never been in anything else that runs good.

oh, and i seriously doubt they run 91. did you see the vp banner? they probably ran some csp (unleded112 i think) or something like that. i'd be shocked to see it was on 91.
Originally posted by denn454

oh, and i seriously doubt they run 91. did you see the vp banner? they probably ran some csp (unleded112 i think) or something like that. i'd be shocked to see it was on 91. [/B]

Actually Dennis Kirban supplied alot of parts including the regulators, injectors and so on. He stated in one of his emails that one of the requirements of the show was 91 octane only. Who knows.
Watched this last night.

They pulled in two rough 85s that they picked up from somewhere. No trannies in both.

They had these guys put on new turbo, custom (read: rigged up) downpipe, new headers, new ignition, new plugs, intercooler, rebuilt transmission (to hold all that extra power they would be making LOL), and new injectors. I think that was about it.

Then they proceeded to take the cars out on the track without even dialing it in and probably without modifying the ECU at all either from what I could see as they made no mention of chip changes. They made the first run and one of the cars basically blew the FPR (I think that was what blew up) after muddling out a 17 second pass and it wouldn't start anymore after that. The other one managed a mid 14 second pass. This is on slicks.

Sad, sad, sad and more sad to see those cars treated like that and the one only barely able to make it to the speed you would expect a stock well running GN make (christ on slicks you would think you could eke out a 13 second pass). I mean the thing was running through an open exhaust for chrissakes. They didn't even put a boost gauge on the cars (at least not that I saw or they made mention of) to see what sort of boost they were making. They just seemed to assume that they would be making 15lbs. They didn't use a scan tool of any sort and didn't put an adjustable FPR on the car, so who knows if they were fueling the thing adequately.

Bleah! The whole thing was distressing.
completely agree with the above post, other than having several buick people talk good about it, and showing countless clips from GN history at the track, even a shot of chow's ride....and dutweiler, they did not do the car justice with the mods, i mean why put on headers? i liked the downpipe stuff they did, and hell, any one of us could have taken that 14.3 car on the next pass and ran a 13 something just by doing a real burnout, ebraking the launch and locking the conv.....and did they even say what injectors went into the car?

if shows like that would just do a little bit of research, they could produce something REAL, since it is suppose to be reality tv.
So far with the 2 showes I've seen, they pick some numbnuts to do the mods and drive. These guys are supposed to be "car guys" but none of the have any clue how to dragrace. Seems like they never even street raced a car.
The GN show was somewhat informative. The goons were less goony with all the ghetto hand jestures and such. The almost sounded sincere when they said they respected GNs.
The show hits the crests of the waves and leaves too much open for interpetation buts that's entertainment. They did a good job showing why so many first time TB owners blow up their cars or are disappointed with the results of the mods and $ spent ie; fueling, boost gauge, Scanmaster.
They have to make these shows entertaining for the average joe. It was obvious by watching, that the twins feel they know it all. As soon as the one guy said he'd never raced before and didn't know how the tree worked, you knew the times would suck. Would have been a little more interesting to have had a pro there to wind the cars out and see what they could really do, although it would have still probably been dissappointing.
Originally posted by Pronto
One of the GN's is on ebay

It shows the mods. It did have a chip. 30lbs injectors and fuel pump.

That seems like a pretty good price it went for too considering the mods and condition. Good being good for the buyer..cheap

Yeah, the guy that won it must not really be a "car nut" and respect GNs as he claimed on the show or he wouldn't have put it up on eBay so quick....where do they get these jerk offs...

Anyone know if it was the winning car or loosing car?
Both cars were on ebay.
I lost the link to the other one.
Was in Colorado,guy said he had it running.
I think it didn't meet his reserve.
From what I've read on the other site they both were on ebay. That one is the one that lost, Remember Sundance was the one breakin everything...
My take. If I could have been 1 of the team leaders.

1st day. I would have taken the handicap on removing the trans myself.

Pretty much in the below order
Went to the store, got beer.
Popped in a fuel pump, adjustable regulator
drank more beer.
laughed at other team
drank more beer
modded wastegate for high boost
drank more beer
laughed at other team
put in octane booster
unplugged knock sensor
drank more beer
laughed at other team
put on ET slicks
drank more beer
left in stock trans(too drunk to do it now)
drank more beer.
Done on first day.
Day 2
Sold all unused parts on E-bay. Bought more beer
Told other team they are suckers.
Went home and go to bed
Day 3
Took home both cars and showed the world that these cars are capable or serious power with next to no mods, all while drinking beer and intoxicated.

I wish I could have done a exibition run with my 85 GN on that show.

The "cool" guy on that show has proven to the world that he can not do anything right. He can't even put in a trans without cutting his face. What a bunch of retards.
Originally posted by TylerDurden

if shows like that would just do a little bit of research, they could produce something REAL, since it is suppose to be reality tv.

True, while it was good to see turbo Buicks get in televised lime light, research and accuracy is what I believed made" The History Channel" special, and now is somewhat tainted by having such shows on that channel. If aired on "Spike" or "Speed" channel, it wouldn't have bothered me as much, but we could always turn to " The History Channel" for quality programs, "Discovery" was like that at one time.

So will "The History Channel" start telling us "The Germans bombed pearl Harbor"? just kidding of course, but Will have to wonder about accuracy of their other programs that make statments on history I don't know about.
I guess it would have been cool if they would have told us what mods the cars had before they started, and what mods they put on. Like a grocery list or something.

I guess it is easy for us to play "monday morning quaterback". Hell, I didn't even know how my car worked when I first bought it.:D