2002 TSM Points Series - Final Standings


Mean Scott
Oct 2, 2001
The final standings for the innaugral TSM points series have been posted over at the TSM website

I got third...but look at what happened with first and second. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Am I missing something?

I tried everything, refresh, whatever, and I can only see the results after 3 races, when you, Scott, were in 4th place.

Maybe something wrong on this end...

Bring up the standings page. Click somewhere in the Southeast quadrant (it is a separate frame), do a Right-click and select Refresh from the menu. You also need to do the same thing on the Details page to see the final points tally.
Wow! I thought keith had it wrapped up. I wasnt thinking the more cars that show up the more rounds you can go, the more points you can get. Congrats to everyone. Let us know of any new rules that are discussed. You what a hop topic that is:eek: