your thoughts on this diamond in the ruff

I'd offer him $3000 as is, $3001 with the fuzzy dice and $3002 if the possum is included. (good eatin!)
Add $6000 to that 14 and you can have mine with just under 11k miles. IMO, mine looks a little nicer too, but I may just be a little biased. :cool:;)



If you could find a way to include a really pissed off, furry creature in with the deal, you might have a sold car on your hands. :D
Run!!! Dont Walk AWAY!!!!

I found this car with just 14k miles. This car is still original down to the tires and has apparently been sitting since 1990. The owner was asking 14k obo, but I thought that considering the overall condition of the car that it was barely worth half of what he was asking. Of course he is a bit more inclined to see if the car will run now and wants to clean the car up a little bit, but I didn't think that this was worth what he was asking. From the amount of time that the car has sat I would suspect that it will need all rubber, seals, gaskets, etc replaced meaning that the car would have to be carefully taken apart. I am still very interested in this car, and I told him to contact me if he finds out something new about this car. Am I wrong here?






The owner also lives out of state and judging by the tennant I don't think he's seen the car in quite a while.

IMO, a car that has set since 1990 will be the ultimate nightmare! And when you throw in that a opossum has managed to establish a residence inside a shop, in the engine bay! OH LORDY! RUN AWAY DONT WALK!!! You can get a great car for 14k without the next three years of your life into this unit.
Looking at a few details I would say 14K is correct. 114K there would be more yellowing of lettering & over flow reservoirs under the hood. IC hose lettering loks clean as well.

No scratches on the odometer lens. All the interior lettering is bright white as well. Driver seat & steering wheel isn't beat to death. Doesn't look like any wear on the pedal pads.

Like every one said you would be chasing gremlins for a while once you got it running. Drop the tank before even attempting to start it. I bought 1 that set since 95. The gas tank was solid varnish.
I'd offer him $3000 as is, $3001 with the fuzzy dice and $3002 if the possum is included. (good eatin!)

Might go a little more but not much.
I have heard of the elusive trunk monkey but never the hood possum as a theft deterrent.
Call me crazy but I'd almost be interested to see how nice that paint is, protected under all that dust.:redface:

I looks like a fairly dry environment, how does the frame and exhaust look rust wise?

If you can't find any rodent issues with the wiring and you can get him to come down on the price more it sure would be one interesting car to clean up and bring back to life for the right $$$$.And I wouldn't want him to touch it at all.....he'd probably only make it worse!

Think those tires have any flat spots?:biggrin:
I found this car with just 14k miles. This car is still original down to the tires and has apparently been sitting since 1990....

I do not think it is all orginal,that possum appears to be quite a bit larger than the stock one.
The good thing some of the big turbos nowadays would probably just suck that possum right in, problem eliminated.
Every time I look at the under hood pic the opossum makes me laugh! He is like "WTF MAN!?! SHUT THE FREAKIN THE HOOD, I DON'T COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND LIFT YOUR ROOF DO I!!!?!!!!
It looks like that GN was the possum's personal playground. There are foot prints all over the hood and windshield. I'd bet that the dirt didn't protect the paint as much as it scratched it every time that little bugger went out for his morning walk. It looks like the little guy filled the engine bay with all kinds of crud. I doubt that he was the only one that took up residence. It's an awfully big home for just one possum. Remember, dead rodents and their urine really stink up a vehicle.
If the car didn't smell too bad, and you could get the price way down, then go for it. But even though it has only 14k miles on it, it looks like it needs at least a partial restoration. But, if it has been stored indoors, it should have a real good frame and the body is probably in great shape, except maybe for the paint.
Just be prepared for some new wiring harnesses.
I think it's definitely possible to save this car and make something nice with it. It takes a lot of elbow grease and patience...but I don't know if the asking price is realistic or not without seeing the car "in person"...

Claude. :smile:
Please, on of you guys........

with deep wallets needs to save this thing. It's a shame some idiot bought this thing as an investment and let it sit thinking some day he'd be a millionaire. Now it's not worth jack. Save your money and buy one already built for that price. Sorry, just needed to vent on this one. Hate to see this. Tim
While we're on the subject, does anyone know the RPO code for the possum? I heard only so many came with it and it was good for 35hp. Haha, seriously though, in this market, 14k can go waaaaay farther than this one.
I found this car with just 14k miles. This car is still original down to the tires and has apparently been sitting since 1990....

I do not think it is all orginal,that possum appears to be quite a bit larger than the stock one.
The good thing some of the big turbos nowadays would probably just suck that possum right in, problem eliminated.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is Focking Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO :biggrin:
You guys are funny. I am loving these posts about the possom! There are two other cars in that garage. One is a pro street 57 Chevy and there is also a 58 Oldsmobile. He's got some nice stuff, but he left that stuff in there years ago and never came back to take care of it. This GN is 100% original minus the fuzzy dice and furry tennant. The frame and exhaust do have some surface rust on them. The car sits just inside the garage door and the bottom of the door is busted which is how the possom got in. The other two cars are sitting in the back far away from the garage door so they look quite a bit better. I am alot less likely to consider buying this car. He would have to do quite a bit to it for me to even think about it. He talked about getting it painted which in my opinion ruins the value of the car. I believe it just needs to be washed carefully and polished. I really don't think running this engine is a good idea. He thinks it will start up and run fine. I think this will cause more damage than anything else. Its a shame that this car wasn't what I hoped.
i wouldn't even think of starting that car the way it is. fuel lines are most likely gummed up. oil pump needs reprimed. the list goes on