winaldl - program doesn't run...???


John 15:17
Nov 12, 2001

I sold my TurboLink, and while I am waiting on the DirectScan to get here, I thought I would play with winaldl.

I have winaldl installed on a desktop pc running windows 2000 OS SP4. The winaldl program starts fine.

I also have winaldl installed on a laptop pc running windows 2000 OS SP4. When I click on the winaldl icon, nothing happens.

Ever hear about anything like this?

There is no information in my event viewer or Dr. Watson.

I got it to work on another laptop.

I still need it to work on the other laptop if anybody has any ideas.

Great program for free. I donated $10.

Can't wait for the directscan to get here.:D
I got to play with the winaldl today.

What a great program.

I didn't see it written anywhere, so for prosterity, I will say that to be able to read your saved runs, just copy and past the data from the txt file in to Excel.
It is a great program and frankly at this stage in my tuning career I don't need another scan tool. It has all the ECM parameters and costs so little compared to a scanmaster. I love it.
I think it is great. It does everything I need it to do.

I am still glad I got directscan. The speed is much faster. You can still miss some things with the slower scan tools.

FYI, for anyones information, the problem was with the IBM laptop.

I tried four Compaq PC's, and two IBM PC's. All four Compaq PC's worked. The IBM's did not. We have this problem all the time. The IBM's control their hardware differently.